psk_haru's Player Information
Games to load:
Playing style:
Joining Clubs
- Ended Ukraine Shogi Cup - 2021
- Ended Sky Tournament
- Ended Phase 1 Summer Cup {R2500 or less 7th to 15th grade} NR0-10 Summer vacation special edition!
- Ended Shogi in dream
- Ended Firmament battle
- Ended 1month tournament
- Ended The ladder
- Ended The 29st Speedy Battle
- Ended 【天锻将棋】 第二届燕羽战 一阶段
- Ended 7 th Saint Cup
- Ended 夏休み&オリパラ記念大会!
- Ended Sky Tournament
- Ended Sky Tournament
- Ended Sky Tournament
- Ended REIWA Cup XX (Blue Sky Shogi)
- Ended 夏休み愉快戦
- Ended The Best of the New Senso Tournament - Part 2
- Ended Official11th term 81Ou League-C 15min+60sec Rated/ No capacity limit (75 days)
- Ended 第11期覇勢戦
- Ended Official12th Super Nova [R1499 and down] 15min+60sec Rated
- Ended 12th Eiji Battle <Qualifying by rank in the tournament>
- Ended DragonBattle - Total 2000 miles!! ~
- Ended 弓矢神
- Ended 【2ND SINGAPORE SHOGI KIDS vs AUSTRALIA SHOGI KIDS】- "Kids Team Match 5 on 5" under the water!!!
- Ended Phase 1 Spring Cup {R2299 or lower 6th to 15th grade} NR0-10 2000 in Total DMiles
- Ended 旋風速終戦
- Ended 第一期 晴冠戦! ゴロゴロ将棋大会 ~目指せEXP全世界一位!!~
- Ended 第2回10分+30秒大会 総額3000マイル! 途中参加受付中
- Ended 第1回 テトリス杯 10分切れ負け
- Ended 変則大会! 持ち駒を5枚までしかとってはいけない!変わったルールなので棋力関系なく誰でも参加できます。
- Ended SAMIDARE 10sec
- Ended REIWA Cup XVII (Blue Sky Shogi)
- Ended Official7term CosmOu League 3 set R1499 and down
- Ended 第1回 10分+30秒大会!総額2000Dマイル! 途中参加受付中
- Ended Official11th Super Nova [R1499 and down] 15min+60sec Rated
- Ended 楽しい大会3
- Ended 10th Heroes Competition
- Ended 3nd fighting game The total prize money is 2680D! This tourney is open to all.
- Ended 第十一回俊旋戦
- Ended Practice Match:15-60
- Ended アパガード杯・将棋キッズ団体戦 角リーグ
- Ended The ladder