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第一回 目指せ初優勝!将棋の大会

20200803160341 6332466e765a6b4f3065

Tournament Info

Tournament organizer: mituru (1592) ☗9☗9☗5
Co-organizer: mamezou (1493) ☗6☗8☗4
Tournament format:  Round-robin
Displayed time zone: Japan
Tournament period: 2020-09-01 00:00 ~ 2020-12-01 23:30 Ended
Game rule: Even game, Non-rated (10 min + 30 sec)
Game room host plays: Sente or gote (random)
URL to this tournament:
Diagram embed tag: <iframe src="">


1 soumei0326 (1700) ----0
2 Endai_habata (1906) 4
3 nihira (1292) ---0
4 shochan1552 (1506) --0
5 fr4cturedrice (1350) --0
6 WildHorseRunning (1015) --0
7 rikuoh (1893) 2
8 sai_ (1167) 1
9 otsukarecycle (1884) -4
10 yamaga (1581) --0
11 tomomon23 (1552) -2
12 Asteroid (1409) -10
13 yowame46 (1879) ------58
14 tanikichi01 (1550) 8
15 JohnnieBlack (1799) 8
16 kitakaze100 (2100) ---------55
17 kurotaki (1199) 3
18 GlendaGopher (1372) 10
19 mamezou (1493) 10
20 mootookiii (1391) 5
21 asamizuki (1932) 18
22 suga4053 (1270) 7
23 Karaage22 (1455) -4
24 masasaya (1472) 16
25 toshiwars (1692) 11
26 peachhime (1590) 27
27 Tomato132 (1030) 0
28 kinkinsnsn (1632) 12
29 YuriHaya (1931) 12
30 tamonmaru4114 (1500) 2
31 momo403 (1394) 8
32 gawaosa (2169) 23

Recent gamesSee all

2020-11-29yowame46 ○ - ● sai_KifuGame
2020-11-24momo403 ○ - ● suga4053KifuGame
2020-11-23asamizuki ● - ○ toshiwarsKifuGame
2020-11-23GlendaGopher ● - ○ asamizukiKifuGame
2020-11-23toshiwars ○ - ● JohnnieBlackKifuGame




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