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The 12th shogi league battle

Shogi title20160917

Tournament Info

Tournament organizer: smileteacher (1660) ☗15☗7☗2
Tournament format:  Round-robin
Displayed time zone: Japan
Tournament period: 2021-01-09 06:00 ~ 2021-01-10 20:00 Ended
Game rule: Even game, Rated (15 min + 60 sec)
Game room host plays: Sente or gote (random)
URL to this tournament:
Diagram embed tag: <iframe src="">


1 Hiromust (2028) 0guest
2 shumai2 (2090) 13guest
3 mura3264 (1543) 1guest
4 kei2010 (1415) 0guest
5 katsu1968 (1461) 0guest
6 majinsakkara (1602) 9初段
7 gesuidou (1485) 16初段
8 Galileo0202 (1461) 51級
9 shida1234 (1163) 81級
10 syuji_m (1672) 182級
11 Ryoma712 (1088) 63級
12 souma0509 (2016) 34級
13 ryota1020 (1902) 25級
14 kumashin (1050) 75級
15 Nakamaru (1633) 276級
16 Hazard (989) 106級
17 Midoritomo (1174) 17級
18 raigyo (1550) 97級
19 kazuki0224 (1050) 58級
20 sosuke923 (1050) 99級
21 risaton714 (800) 79級
22 soukame (1074) 39級
23 dantyou0725 (1649) 0保護者
24 smileteacher (1660) 13主催者

Recent gamesSee all

2021-01-11sosuke923 ● - ○ smileteacherKifuGame
2021-01-11smileteacher ○ - ● MidoritomoKifuGame
2021-01-11shumai2 ○ - ● risaton714KifuGame
2021-01-11smileteacher ● - ○ risaton714KifuGame
2021-01-11shumai2 ○ - ● mura3264KifuGame


1位:500マイル ⇒27点 Nakamaru
2位:400マイル ⇒18点 syuji_m
3位:300マイル ⇒16点 gesuidou
4位:200マイル ⇒13点 shumai2
5位:100マイル ⇒10点 Hazard

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