smileteacher's Player Information
Games to load:
Playing style:
Joining Clubs
- 熱戦将棋バトル参加者サークル (Owner)
- くまちゃんず (Owner)
- 駒落ちを練習したい初心者の会 (Owner)
- 夜更かし王サークル (Owner)
- Ended The 16th online friendship match
- Ended The 15th online friendship match
- Ended The 14th online friendship match
- Playing The 6th Uma tournament
- Ended 第12回オンライン定期交流戦(居飛車対振飛車)
- Ended The 11st online friendship match
- Ended The 10th online friendship match
- Ended The 9th online friendship match
- Ended The 8th online friendship match
- Ended The 7th online friendship match
- Ended The 5th Uma tournament
- Ended The 6th online friendship match
- Ended The 5th online friendship match
- Ended The 4th online friendship match
- Ended The 3rd online friendship match
- Ended The 2nd online friendship match
- Ended The 4th Uma tournament
- Ended The 1st online friendship match2
- Ended The 1st online friendship match
- Ended Training tournament
- Ended The 3rd Uma tournament
- Ended The 8th ibi-ken tournament
- Ended The 2nd Uma tournament
- Ended The 7th furi-ken tournament
- Ended The 7th ibi-ken tournament
- Ended The 6th furi-ken tournament
- Ended The 6th ibi-ken tournament
- Ended Official第8期希桜戦 ~総額5,000Dマイル~ 【クラス別ハンデ戦・持時間変動制】
- Ended The remote group lesson tournament
- Ended The 5th furi-ken tournament
- Ended The 4th furi-ken tournament
- Ended The 5th ibi-ken tournament
- Ended The 4th ibi-ken tournament
- Ended The 2nd Ibi-ken tournament
- Ended The 2nd furi-ken tournament
- Ended The 1st UMA championship tournament
- Ended The 1st VS tournament
- Ended The 3rd Bishop exchange tournament
- Ended The 1st Naka-hisya tournament
- Ended The 1st TSS Yokofudori tournament
- Ended The 1st TSS tournament part 2
- Ended The 1st TSS tournament part 1
- Ended The 7th night owl tournament
- Ended Bishop exchage tournament
- Ended The SSPN tournament
- Ended The 6th night owl tournament
- Ended Bishop Exchange tournament
- Ended green tournament
- Ended The night owl tournament
- Ended Practice Match:15-60
- Ended 9th Heroes Competition
- Ended World Master Championship 2021
- Ended The 13rd shogi league battle
- Ended <将棋大好きサークル限定>加入者81名記念大会~棋力関係無く入賞出来ます!!!~
- Ended The 12th shogi league battle
- Ended The night owl tournament
- Ended 第3期新聖戦
- Ended The night owl tournament
- Ended the 5656 Shogi tornemy
- Ended kyotoshogitourney
- 2 Ended The night owl tournament
- Ended Bishop exchange only Aragyo tournament
- Ended The animal shogi tournament
- Ended A tournament that decides the king of shogi in May
- Ended The koinobori-fish tournament
- Ended The 1st getting up early tournament
- Ended The 1th friendly shogi battle
- Ended The 1st remote learning
- Ended The 11th shogi league battle
- Ended The 10th shogi league battle
- Ended The 9th shogi league battle
- Ended The 8th shogi league battle
- Ended The 7th shogi league battle
- Ended The 6th shogi league battle
- Ended The 5th shogi league battle
- Ended The 4th shogi league battle
- Ended The 3rd shogi battle (league)
- Ended The 2nd shogi league battle (1st group)
- Ended The 2nd shogi league battle (2nd group)
- Ended The 2nd shogi league battle (3rd group)
- Ended The 1st shogi league battle
- Ended 4th Wild Boar, Rush and go straight ! [R1999-1300] 10min-30sec Rated
- Ended shogi battle (online)
- Ended The 16th online friendship match
- Ended The 15th online friendship match
- Ended The 14th online friendship match
- Playing The 6th Uma tournament
- Ended 第12回オンライン定期交流戦(居飛車対振飛車)
- Ended The 11st online friendship match
- Ended The 10th online friendship match
- Ended The 9th online friendship match
- Ended The 8th online friendship match
- Ended The 7th online friendship match
- Ended The 5th Uma tournament
- Ended The 6th online friendship match
- Ended The 5th online friendship match
- Ended The 4th online friendship match
- Ended The 3rd online friendship match
- Ended The 2nd online friendship match
- Ended The 4th Uma tournament
- Ended The 1st online friendship match2
- Ended The 1st online friendship match
- Ended Training tournament
- Ended The 3rd Uma tournament
- Ended The 8th ibi-ken tournament
- Ended The 2nd Uma tournament
- Ended The 7th furi-ken tournament
- Ended The 7th ibi-ken tournament
- Ended The 6th furi-ken tournament
- Ended The 6th ibi-ken tournament
- Ended The remote group lesson tournament
- Ended The 5th furi-ken tournament
- Ended The 4th furi-ken tournament
- Ended The 5th ibi-ken tournament
- Ended The 4th ibi-ken tournament
- Ended The 2nd furi-ken tournament
- Ended The 2nd Ibi-ken tournament
- Ended The 1st UMA championship tournament
- Ended The 1st VS tournament
- Ended The 3rd Bishop exchange tournament
- Ended The 8th night owl tournament
- Ended The 1st Naka-hisya tournament
- Ended The 1st TSS Yokofudori tournament
- Ended The 1st TSS tournament part 2
- Ended The 1st TSS tournament part 1
- Ended The 7th night owl tournament
- Ended The SSPN tournament
- Ended The 6th night owl tournament
- Ended Bishop Exchange tournament
- Ended green tournament
- Ended The night owl tournament
- Ended The 13rd shogi league battle
- Ended The 12th shogi league battle
- Ended The night owl tournament
- Ended The night owl tournament
- Ended the 5656 Shogi tornemy
- 2 Ended The night owl tournament
- Ended Bishop exchange only Aragyo tournament
- Ended The 1st getting up early tournament
- Ended The 1th friendly shogi battle
- Ended The 1st remote learning
- Ended The 11th shogi league battle
- Ended The 10th shogi league battle
- Ended The 9th shogi league battle
- Ended The 8th shogi league battle
- Ended The 7th shogi league battle
- Ended The 6th shogi league battle
- Ended The 5th shogi league battle
- Ended The 4th shogi league battle
- Ended The 3rd shogi battle (league)
- Ended The 2nd shogi league battle (1st group)
- Ended The 2nd shogi league battle (2nd group)
- Ended The 2nd shogi league battle (3rd group)
- Ended The 1st shogi league battle
- Ended shogi battle (online)