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30秒将棋最強戦 級位者戦

Tournament Info

Tournament organizer: icecream (2324) ☗0☗0☗0
Tournament format:  Round-robin
Displayed time zone: Japan
Tournament period: 2017-08-01 13:00 ~ 2017-12-31 23:00 Ended
Game rule: Even game, Rated (0 min + 30 sec)
Game room host plays: Sente or gote (random)
URL to this tournament:
Diagram embed tag: <iframe src="">


1 skybrg4 (1449) -!-!0
2 colus (1299) ---5
3 Saikyo3179 (1719) -0
4 ktyt72pon (2225) 2
5 yoshiharu (1329) !-0
6 shaka13 (864) 0
7 kuroki (1200) !1
8 maruo5 (1009) 0
9 SydneyShuma (1500) 0
10 pouppo (1624) -0
11 zhousai (1425) 2
12 kakigo0ri (1590) -0
13 hiyoko2000 (1603) -0
14 superkev_tommy (1369) 0
15 civic01 (1401) -0
16 mumuxtu (1618) 4
17 sinonyan (1210) !-1
18 marilyn (1216) --2
19 utoatsu622 (1689) -----10
20 yasu_ta (1402) 0
21 myusamada (1361) 9
22 yosiwo1211 (1560) 3
23 like_hyde (1424) -0
24 reirou0206 (1534) !1
25 yamada0506 (1447) 1
26 masusususu (1696) 0
27 yutoshoma (1040) 0
28 akkyi (1392) --23

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