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広尾しょうぎ教室B vs 東海キッズ

Tournament Info

Tournament organizer: isekito (2143) ☗10☗6☗9
Co-organizer: Kengo_K (2260)
Tournament format:  Round-robin
Displayed time zone: Japan
Tournament period: 2021-09-05 12:30 ~ 2021-09-05 20:00 Ended
Game rule: Even game, Non-rated (15 min + 30 sec)
Game room host plays: Sente or gote (random)
URL to this tournament:
Diagram embed tag: <iframe src="">


1 nazuna3 (1966) 4広尾B
2 piza33 (1838) 8広尾B
3 Jyauta (2038) 8広尾B
4 MeguroSannma (2170) 10広尾B
5 dadadada (1689) 4広尾B
6 SB009 (1923) 10広尾B
7 kikochikuki (2394) 10広尾B
8 platypuszoku (1757) 8広尾B
9 nanatoh (1560) 6広尾B
10 yuushun0316 (2226) 8東海
11 kousuke1230 (1895) 12東海
12 tanjirou0826 (1662) 10東海
13 harutokei (2204) 6東海
14 yuutaa (2118) 10東海
15 isekito (2143) 6東海
16 Kei_Lv100 (1916) 10東海
17 taiyou3 (2085) 8東海
18 ichiuma (1929) 6東海

Recent gamesSee all

2021-09-05dadadada ● - ○ tanjirou0826KifuGame
2021-09-05Kei_Lv100 ○ - ● platypuszokuKifuGame
2021-09-05SB009 ● - ○ kousuke1230KifuGame
2021-09-05yuutaa ○ - ● nazuna3KifuGame
2021-09-05isekito ● - ○ nanatohKifuGame






1-10  2-11  3-12
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1-12  2-13  3-11
4-10  5-15  6-17
7-18  8-14  9-16
1-14  2-18  3-13
4-17  5-12  6-11
7-10  8-16  9-15

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