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Tournament Info

Tournament organizer: i_tsu_tsu (2120)
Co-organizer: beak (1434)
Tournament format:  Round-robin
Displayed time zone: Japan
Tournament period: 2021-09-12 13:00 ~ 2021-09-12 14:30 Ended
Game rule: Even game, Non-rated (5 min + 30 sec)
Game room host plays: Sente or gote (random)
URL to this tournament:
Diagram embed tag: <iframe src="">


1 Chch_Shokichi (1733) 9
2 chch_kenta (1090) 6
3 chch_takuto (1292) 14
4 chch_junpei (1375) 13
5 chch_kazuki (1199) 7
6 chch_shia (966) 4
7 chch_jirou (877) 8
8 chch_jun (940) 3
9 chch_seiji (956) 6
10 chch_hiroaki (838) 9
11 chch_yutaro (1080) 9
12 Ototen (1150) 9
13 Yota (1349) 27
14 KN0720 (960) 13
15 harukinguuu (1375) 13
16 shogo0125 (1340) 27
17 taiga1424 (1425) 14
18 kyoukyouD (1516) 9
19 NozoNozo3 (1221) 16
20 hyakunichiso19 (1119) 16
21 ffamiff (1355) 16

Recent gamesSee all

2021-09-12shogo0125 ○ - ● chch_seijiKifuGame
2021-09-12KN0720 ○ - ● chch_takutoKifuGame
2021-09-12ffamiff ○ - ● chch_jirouKifuGame
2021-09-12chch_kenta ● - ○ taiga1424KifuGame
2021-09-12chch_hiroaki ○ - ● OtotenKifuGame



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