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1st Gokaku Tournament | B: Goro-Goro


Tournament Info

Tournament organizer: ErwinSmith (1504) ☗4☗13☗7
Club member requirement: Shogi Harbour
Tournament format:  Round-robin
Displayed time zone: UTC
Tournament period: 2022-06-12 00:00 ~ 2022-06-20 00:00 Ended
Game rule: Goro-goro shogi (0 min + 60 sec)
Game room host plays: Sente or gote (random)
URL to this tournament:
Diagram embed tag: <iframe src="">


1 Melkor256 (2117) 20[GKK-B 1st Placer]
2 LilyLionmane (1818) 19
3 HopefulHedgehog (1322) 16
4 OliVandy (1463) 15
5 Sirius0Black0 (1564) 14
6 gosttone (1650) 14
7 Linken (2170) 13[Tournament Champion]
8 Ryuusei_Ame (1020) 7
9 ErwinSmith (1504) 18(organizer)

Recent gamesSee all

2022-06-19Linken ○ - ● Sirius0Black0KifuGame
2022-06-19Linken ● - ○ Melkor256KifuGame
2022-06-19OliVandy ● - ○ Melkor256KifuGame
2022-06-19ErwinSmith ○ - ● Melkor256KifuGame
2022-06-19Sirius0Black0 ● - ○ LilyLionmaneKifuGame


Congratulations to the following:




GKK-A: gosttone
GKK-B: Melkor256
GKK-C: Linken
GKK-D: Linken
GKK-E: Linken
Welcome to the 1st Gokaku Tournament! (Hopefully, the first of many to come). I hope you can join and enjoy the tournament!


GKK-B: Goro-Goro


Gokaku Tournament (五角大会) is envisioned to be a yearly tournament with five events (sub-tournaments) held sequentially: one week per event, from GKK-A to GKK-E. The participants are required to register and play in all of the following events:


The champion will be determined with the highest combined total points across the five events.


  • Champion: Certificate of Recognition (soft copy)
  • 1st Placer per Event: Certificate of Recognition (soft copy)
  • Bonus: Certificate of Participation (soft copy) for anyone who completed all their games in all the events


  • This is a free tournament
  • Only members of Shogi Harbour are allowed
  • If equal winning points: (a) the winner of the head-to-head matchup will take the top spot, (b) If there is no direct confrontation, the lower-rated player will take the top spot
  • Failure to register and play in all the events shall result in ineligibility to receive any prizes
  • Participation from the previous event (GKK-A) is a prerequisite in order to register here
  • The organizer shall be excluded from winning prizes
  • Please do your best to complete all your games

This is 81Dojo's web system for account and data management. The entrance to the shogi app can be found in the main site at