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2nd 81dojo tournament between clubs

152211112269504736179 2018y03m27d 093501174

Tournament Info

Tournament organizer: lemontea1990 (1979) ☗6☗17☗5
Tournament format:  Round-robin
Displayed time zone: Japan
Tournament period: 2018-04-06 14:00 ~ 2018-04-16 02:00 Ended
Game rule: Even game, Rated (15 min + 60 sec)
Game room host plays: Sente or gote (random)
URL to this tournament:
Diagram embed tag: <iframe src="">


1 ryuounoosigoto (1622) --3Good Greeting dojo
2 koukoukou (1281) --7Good Greeting dojo
3 sappye (1275) 0出場辞退の申し出
4 0z4ck (1393) 9no side
5 Kaolin (1525) 5no side
6 spinoza1313 (1125) -3no side
7 Look64 (1760) 16Heiwa club
8 tomiel (2275) 9Heiwa club
9 ukesyougi48 (1993) -6Heiwa club
10 wataru7dan (2124) -3morning shogi club
11 foagurakanzo (2227) 21morning shogi club
12 katsumi28 (1849) -3morning shogi club
13 Doujouyaburi (1500) -9Macau shogi school
14 BryanLao (1729) 6Macau shogi school
15 HenryChan28 (1542) 4Macau shogi school
16 Biubiubiu (2115) 12shanghai shogi
17 champion (2185) 6shanghai shogi
18 ViktorDing (1474) 3shanghai shogi
19 necota (1635) 15mid night club
20 9yu (1648) 10mid night club
21 kenS (2219) 14mid night club
22 Kendaichi (922) -3FIPS2 1st
23 Satomi (1592) --6FIPS2 1st
24 lemontea1990 (1979) ----------30FIPS2 1st
25 zloysnegovik (1281) 8no side
26 nata (1024) -3no side
27 lukorepka (1561) -3no side

Recent gamesSee all

2018-04-15zloysnegovik ● - ○ tomielKifuGame
2018-04-14foagurakanzo ○ - ● 0z4ckKifuGame
2018-04-140z4ck ● - ○ Look64KifuGame
2018-04-13lemontea1990 ● - ○ BryanLaoKifuGame
2018-04-13zloysnegovik ● - ○ 9yuKifuGame


This tournament is a friendly competition between 81 dojo clubs and national teams.
Each club should choose 3 players.
I hope at least 4 clubs including our(FIPS2)will participate.
special permission good greeting dojo=volunteer mixed team
no side no count:every team draw I suggest.

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