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Thuận Vị Chiến kỳ 3 - Hạng B

Tournament Info

Tournament organizer: kazimierz_vn (1784) ☗5☗12☗3
Co-organizer: tranthetrung2002 (1364) ☗1☗3☗5
Club member requirement: Vietnam Shogi Club
Tournament format:  Round-robin
Displayed time zone: Japan
Tournament period: 2024-12-02 01:00 ~ 2025-04-05 13:00Playing
Game rule: Even game, Non-rated (30 min + 60 sec)
Game room host plays: Sente
URL to this tournament:
Diagram embed tag: <iframe src="">


1 SystemOnline (1150) /1
2 Glacey (1249) /3
3 khanhhhhh (1319) /3
4 Sakura1205 (1522) /3
5 yuuichi1311 (1520) /1
6 sasorii (1590) /1
7 ic1101 (1550) /1
8 MiyukiHoang (1584) /3

Next gamesSee all

2024-12-27 22:00:00 +0900khanhhhhh vs ic1101Game
2024-12-28 22:00:00 +0900sasorii vs yuuichi1311Game
2024-12-28 23:00:00 +0900SystemOnline vs GlaceyGame
2024-12-29 22:00:00 +0900Sakura1205 vs MiyukiHoangGame

Recent gamesSee all

2024-12-14Glacey ○ - ● ic1101KifuGame
2024-12-11MiyukiHoang ○ - ● SystemOnlineKifuGame
2024-12-08khanhhhhh ○ - ● sasoriiKifuGame
2024-12-08yuuichi1311 ● - ○ Sakura1205KifuGame


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