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Torneo Bala Club Shogi Jaguares

Bullet 06 19

Tournament Info

Tournament organizer: grcajsf89 (1038) ☗0☗0☗0
Tournament format:  Round-robin
Displayed time zone: UTC
Tournament period: 2019-07-01 00:00 ~ 2019-08-31 23:30 Ended
Game rule: Even game, Non-rated (0 min + 30 sec)
Game room host plays: Sente or gote (random)
URL to this tournament:
Diagram embed tag: <iframe src="">


1 Gerarduv (1452) 351st 5 kyu and under title.-Rayenari
2 tythius (1799) ---------311st 4 kyu above. title.-Conqueror
3 michael96 (1105) -29
4 sakuhadu (1650) 25
5 ElGranCapitan (1349) 23
6 asamizuki (1932) 22
7 Kleingerau (1792) 18
8 kei2000 (1273) 17
9 aniquil2004 (1389) 14
10 calogero (1478) 13
11 Laserlion96 (1164) 12
12 Ronin56 (1361) -12
13 grcajsf89 (1038) 12
14 bomana3 (936) -7
15 Incursor (1661) 5
16 fobos (976) -5
17 everett85 (1171) -5
18 komododragon (1557) -4
19 KentoItagaki (865) 4
20 Sakakicchi (1687) -3
21 Nemak (1040) -3
22 Roibabax (1040) -3
23 genseiteiou (1675) 0

Recent gamesSee all

2019-08-31everett85 ● - ○ ElGranCapitanKifuGame
2019-08-28asamizuki ○ - ● ElGranCapitanKifuGame
2019-08-26ElGranCapitan ● - ○ kei2000KifuGame
2019-08-18sakuhadu ● - ○ asamizukiKifuGame
2019-08-10komododragon ● - ○ ElGranCapitanKifuGame


Torneo Bala Club Shogi Jaguares
Even Game non Rated 0min + 30sec
open For Everyone - abierto para todo publico
-200 D-Miles for the player of 4kyu and above with more points at the end of the tournament
-100 D-Miles for the player of 5kyu and under with more points at the end of tournament
-title "Conqueror" to the foreign player with more points at ending of the tournament
-title "Rayernari" to the mexican Player with more points at ending of the tournament
-200 D-miles al jugador de rango 4 kyu o superior con mas puntos al final del torneo
-100 D-Miles para el jugador de rango 5kyuu o menor con mas puntos al final del torneo
-titulo "Conqueror" al jugador extrangero con mas puntos al final del torneo
titulo "Rayenari" al jugador Mexicano con mas Puntos al final Del torneo

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