81道場サークル | Australia
サークル名称: Australia
リーダ: Archon (1623)
メンバ: 38名 (平均R: 1264.76)
Open for all players living in Australia. Hoping to create a network of local players and expand the WSL team. New members please introduce yourself in the forum. Shogi Australia Facbeook: https://www.facebook.com/ShogiAustralia/ Melbourne Shogi Club Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/713132272456479/ Contact: Dion Paull Email: dion.paull@hotmail.com Sydney Shogi Club Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SydneyShogiClub/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/shogisydney Contact: Shuma Email: sydneyshogiclub@gmail.com Canberra Shogi Club Contact: Email: 1424268631@qq.com Brisbane Shogi Club Twitter: https://twitter.com/shogibrisbane Contact: Email: brisbaneshogiclub@gmail.com
- Archon (1623)
- ramalam (1018)
- joymota (1175)
- Teza59 (1590)
- Matt84z (810)
- TCT (1225) ☗2☗1☗7
- WhoDaresWins (1437) ☗2☗5☗5
- southernshogi (1142)
- xxtakixx (1350)
- Freezy (1040)
- Shiki214 (2030)
- yingweiw (1090)
- perthian (1442)
- JayC (1590)
- jpap1994 (1217)
- mgearing (1759) ☗0☗4☗6
- Koodles (1032) ☗2☗0☗0
- Tej (1425)
- Kitsune22 (1040)
- lagrange (1149) ☗0☗3☗3
- JamesMacaulay (1300)
- Anime_Nyan (1307)
- Axo (1131)
- Celiana1 (1020)
- Cun138 (1103)
- alto (1672)
- chunxiaoping6 (1451)
- TPD (1004)
- umiwahiroi (1476)
- ask_leo (1059) ☗5☗7☗4
- ssk_mia2 (1100) ☗4☗7☗6
- ssk_ken (1375) ☗5☗7☗6
- ssk_toya (700) ☗3☗2☗8
- Yelong (1020)
- psk_haru3 (1277)
- KORUPI (1725) ☗2☗7☗6
- chinanago (1042)
- Mexus_03 (1099)