大会: 3rd The Universe 15min+60sec Rated/ International Players Only (Friendly Tournament)
先手: Eskatrem (1683) ☗6☗8☗5Icon mail on
後手: trithom (1470) Icon mail on
対局開始日時: 2021-06-30 19:30:26 +0900
ルール: 平手(R) 15分 + 60秒


1: trithom (1470) 2021-07-12 10:40

Move 86 
I missed a nice tsume here.
86 27 +R
87 28 S
88 38 G
89 xK
90 48 S
91 xK
92 57 S+
93 39 K
94 48 G
95 29 K
96 38 G


86 27 +R
87 28 anything else exept the S from 39
88 17 N=
89 17 L
90 18 G

2: trithom (1470) 2021-07-12 10:41

Move 85
I missed a nice tsume here.
86 27 +R
87 28 S
88 38 G
89 xK
90 48 S
91 xK
92 57 S+
93 39 K
94 48 G
95 29 K
96 38 G


86 27 +R
87 28 anything else exept the S from 39
88 17 N=
89 17 L
90 18 G

3: Eskatrem (1683) ☗6☗8☗52021-07-12 11:16

Hi, do you mean: 88 39G? Yes, it was a nice tsume, I didn't think of that at all during the game.

Thank you for pointing it to me.

4: trithom (1470) 2021-07-12 11:23


yes, of course it was 39 G.
I was extremely surprised, when it was pointed out to me. It shows that like in chess the combinations are there. You just have to find it.

I am going to practice more tsume ;-)

5: Eskatrem (1683) ☗6☗8☗52021-07-12 11:35

When looking at the position after move 85, the tsume is very logic:
- you give a check in 27 with the rook, forcing S28 to free the 39 square for the king
- you use some generals to attract my king to 48
- you play Sx57+ to create an anchoring point to be able to drop a general in 48.
- then you mate.

Of course, I think it's quite hard to find it, especially in byoyomi, but this provides a thinking framework to see it a bit more easily. I will do some tsumes as well :)
