
3rd The Universe 15min+60sec Rated/ International Players Only (Friendly Tournament)

20201107204058 3833443742673546394f


大会主催者: raidensiratsuyu (1964) ☗19☗4☗4
共同主催者: Hidetchi (1891) ☗10☗5☗10
大会形式:  総当たり
表示基準タイムゾーン: 世界標準時(UTC)
大会開催期間: 2021/06/01 00:00 ~ 2021/07/30 23:30 終了
対局ルール: 平手・レーティング (15 分 + 60 秒)
対局室作成者の手番: ランダム
この大会ページへのリンク: https://system.81dojo.com/ja/tournaments/2214
対戦表埋め込みタグ: <iframe src="https://system.81dojo.com/ja/tournaments/2214/iframe">


1 Eskatrem (1694) -41【3rd term Universe】 / FRA(France)
2 LilyLionmane (1818) -----332nd place of a tie 250 / USA(America) / hi
3 dwjr (1522) 332nd place of a tie 250 / BRA(Brazil)
4 KingLuffy16 (1481) -------214th place 100 / TUN(Tunisia) / :-)
5 MoonSae (1641) -195th place 50 / POL(Poland) / :)
6 OlivierP (2037) ----18FRA(France) / Hello from France
7 trithom (1470) --16DEU(Germany)
8 kagurilla47 (1184) ---15U-R1499 Co.-1st 60 / ★ / RUS(Russia)
9 ask_leo (1059) -15U-R1499 Co.-1st 60 / ★ / AUS(Australia)
10 norio (1146) ---------15U-R1499 Co.-1st 60 / ★ / BRA(Brazil)
11 x_angy_x (1199) --15U-R1499 Co.-1st 60 / ★ / MEX(Mexico) / Hola!
12 CharlesPrieto (961) ----14★ / BOL(Bolivia)
13 Atya (1493) -----13COL(Colombia)
14 JoshuaC (1795) 0USA(America)
15 Toretto (1250) 0★ / BRA(Brazil)
16 Toxaz (1363) 0★ / RUS(Russia)
17 WARRI0R (1425) 2★ / TWN(Taiwan) / Disqualified due to account suspension 2021-07-24


2021/07/23WARRI0R ● - ○ dwjr棋譜対局
2021/07/22WARRI0R ● - ○ LilyLionmane棋譜対局
2021/07/13LilyLionmane ○ - ● dwjr棋譜対局
2021/07/10LilyLionmane ○ - ● norio棋譜対局
2021/07/06KingLuffy16 ● - ○ dwjr棋譜対局


This tournament is non-Japanese can participate.
Info. ★:U-R1499 players./ ☆:Rank not yet confirmed.
6/1 00:00 Rank confirmed.
※Change from the second half to the order of points.
The Universe winners
1st term Lusitano(PRT)
2nd term kambuy(BRA)
81dojo Official Tournament

The Universe 15min+60sec Rated/ International Players Only

-Origin of the Convention name-
A lot of trees line up.
All the things that are shaped...
It is just like the universe.
Greetings from the organizer
Please join us and enjoy "International Conventions" until the end.
This tournament approved by an administrator(Co-organizer).
Organized by raidensiratsuyu.
We wish you all a good fight and the best of success.
How to "Precontact on the Table"
How to precontact with other players on the table.
★Please post your message from here,
when there are questions or requests
to this tournament. ⇩
★Read the messages to the tournament from participants.
⇒ Click on the handle name of the table.
Whether or not to participate
・Past winners can not join.
・Japanese players can not join.
・New players can join.
・Overseas players living in Japan. → You can join us.
・Japanese living abroad. → You can not join.
Official rules
This tournament is open to non-Japanese players only.
15min+60sec Rated/ Round-robin(Held for 60 days)
It is going to be the 3-game final match,
if the first place is the same.
Displayed time zone: UTC
In short: Universe
Game points: 〇□ 3/ △ 2/ ● 1/ ■▲ 0
The winner is the highest winning-points player.
Awarded the 81dojo-title Universe(森羅万象) to the winner.
And PRIZE 1000 D-miles (Presented by 81dojo).
2nd 300/ 3rd 200/ 4th 100/ 5th 50 D-miles.
U-R1499 most points player: 100 D-miles.
U-R1499 2nd place: 75 D-miles.
U-R1499 3rd place: 50 D-miles.
(Presented by organizer).
※ Hold the playoffs, if the first place is two or more.
※ Distribute D-miles by the number of people earned,
if it's in the same ranking in second place or less.
Please be careful
★About Win- and Loss-by-default when the game was not played in time.
[Automatically wins]
・Those who are active in proposing the date and time of the game.
[Automatically loss]
・More than 10 minutes late from the promised date and time.
・Don't come on the day you promise.
・Don't respond to the other person's suggestion.
・Break the promise after the decision update.
※Please report to the organizer.
※Rules on manners are also included.
【Other conditions for disqualification】
・Those who use "Computer-engines(Com_)" are not allowed to participate.
・Can not participate with two or more accounts.
→ Disqualified
・Violate the rules and one's manners on 81dojo.
→ Disqualified
Judged more strictly than other tournaments.
[Order by nationality on the match table]
European,African,Eurasia,North america,South america,
Oceania and Asian countries.(Basically, the highest rating.)
Thank you.
