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World Shogi Forum > Shogi in General > name of calligraphy / font used on shogi pieces

name of calligraphy / font used on shogi pieces
balbal1 (986) 2019-07-17 06:36
Hello everyone, i have made a printable Shogi set from while ago. and i have used some Chinese fonts i found online for the kanji, and they were good but still not the same calligraphy / font used for Shogi pieces, so anybody knows the name of it?
also, would you like me to share my printable set? i would like to see your opinion ^_^
8: balbal1 (986) 2019-07-18 18:33
>...Not quite - where can we see *your* Shogi templates?

Oh right, how foolish of me. I am going to post it here in the comments when it is finished, you can expect it after a week or so.
7: captbirdseye (700) 2019-07-18 14:07
> is the end of requests...

Not quite - where can we see *your* Shogi templates?
6: balbal1 (986) 2019-07-18 06:33 (2019-07-18 06:44に編集)
>...I presume from that comment that you managed to download either the DropBox or the Google Drive version?

Yes the google drive one did open.
And for the images, that is pretty much all info i needed, i can do the cutting and pasting job myself so thank you for the site.

Now, i think that is all, it is the end of requests, thank you for your hard work *¤*
5: captbirdseye (700) 2019-07-18 05:14 (2019-07-18 05:23に編集)
> ...the font used in the one-kanji pieces in the last page of the pdf...

I presume from that comment that you managed to download either the DropBox or the Google Drive version?

Those pieces are ones I 'built' myself by cutting and pasting the images from the Shogi diagram generator at

I use that utility for the diagrams in all my Shogi documents - ~2000 diagrams by now, I guess (though I haven't actually counted them!).

If you want a set of the actual piece images, email me privately at rjhare at outlook dot com and I'll work out a way to send them to you. 
4: balbal1 (986) 2019-07-18 01:29
>...That's a really useful article - the Hidetch video is good, but the sound leaves a little to be desired.

Hehe, you are actually right, if i have any last request it would be the font used in the one-kanji pieces in the last page of the pdf. It looks less cursive than the others yet so elegant, i really appreciate you help up until now
3: captbirdseye (700) 2019-07-18 00:56 (2019-07-18 01:03に編集)
That's a really useful article - the Hidetch video is good, but the sound leaves a little to be desired.

>...that pdf you linked didn't work, says something went wrong, but anyway i think what i found in that video is enough.

Damn! I just tried it, and it worked. There is something odd about Dropbox - sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. It may be browser-related, it may be network-related, I have never been able to get to the bottom of it. 

There's also a copy on Google Drive:

I think I'm going to shift all my stuff to Google Drive, Dropbox is a little too flaky for my taste...
2: balbal1 (986) 2019-07-17 23:25 (2019-07-17 23:28に編集)
Thank you so much for directing me to that video, it was exactly what i needed, and i found a good article here explaining each font of them
and that pdf you linked didn't work, says something went wrong, but anyway i think what i found in that video is enough.
1: captbirdseye (700) 2019-07-17 14:33 (2019-07-17 14:46に編集)
I have a set of Shogi templates at:

There are 4 graphics sets there - do your pieces match any of those? If yes, I will try and remember exactly where I found them (and what the font is called).

If you are talking about actual wooden pieces, there are several (many?) piece styles. Have a look at Hidetchis Shogi videos on Youtube, in particular: "How to play Shogi(将棋) - Lesson 39 - Shogi Pieces as Arts and Crafts"
