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Have a look at this (English language) Shogi video, recently posted on YouTube:
Books (all English language):
The first two will be difficult to find, though there was a 2nd edition of 'Better Moves for Better Shogi' in (I think) 2012. I recommend starting with the three marked with a ****, but they are all good.
'Better Moves for Better Shogi', Teruichi Aono, (trans. John Fairbairn), Man to Man Books, 1983, 2377-906053-2732.
'Guide to Shogi Openings', Teruichi Aono, (trans. John Fairbairn), Man to Man Books, 1983, 2377-906052-2732.
'Tsume Puzzles for Japanese Chess', T Gene Davis, 2011,146369055X.
'Shogi for Beginners', John Fairbairn, The Ishi Press, 1989, 487187201-7. (****)
'Habu's Words', Y Habu, The Shogi Foundation, 2000, 0 9531089 2 9.
'Masters of Shogi', Y Habu & Tony Hosking, The Shogi Foundation, 978 09531089 4 7.
'4 Great Games', Tony Hosking, The Shogi Foundation, 1998, 09531089 1 0. (****)
'The Art of Shogi', Tony Hosking, The Shogi Foundation, March 1997. (****)
'Classic Shogi', Tony Hosking, The Shogi Foundation, 2006, 09531089 3 7.
'Ending Attack Techniques', Takashi Kaneko (trans. Tomohide Kawasaki), Nekomado, 2012, 978-4- 905225-03-4.
'Storming the Mino Castle', Takashi Kaneko, (trans. Richard Sams), Nekomado, 2013, 978-4-905225- 05-8.
'Joseki at a Glance', Madoka Kitao (trans. Tomohide Kawasaki), At a Glance Series, 2011, 978-4-9052-2501-0.
'Edge Attack at a Glance', Madoka Kitao, (trans. Tomohide Kawasaki), At a Glance Series, 2012, 978-4-9052-2502-7.
'Sabaki at a Glance', Madoka Kitao (trans. Tomohide Kawasaki), At a Glance Series, 2013, 978-4-9052-2510-2.
'Ending Attack at a Glance', Madoka Kitao (trans: Tomohide Kawasaki), At a Glance Series, 2014, 978-4-9052-2513-3.
'Japanese-English Shogi Dictionary', Tomohide Kawasaki (a.k.a. Hidetechi), 2013, Nekomado, 978-4-9052-2508-9.
'Shogi for Beginners' is possibly the best starting point (though some folks think it is a little too basic). Don't pay over the odds for this book - there are some plain silly prices being asked on the internet, but it can still be found at a reasonable price at the Aobo Shop ( and one or two other places (maybe Angela Hodges - george dot hodges at talk21 dot com). This comment also applies to some of the other out-of-print books in this list - there are some real pirates in the 2nd-hand/out-of-print book market!!!
'The Art of Shogi' is regarded by some as better than 'Shogi for Beginners' - this may well be true! '4 Great Games' is a short introduction to Shogi, Xiangqi, Go and Chess. Both available direct from the author, Tony Hosking (
I believe there is now a (paid-for) download of Shogi for Beginners available in .mobi, .epub and .pdf formats, though I haven't investigated this yet.
If you come across the book by Trevor Leggett (deliberately not listed here), avoid it - it has very poor diagrams and contains mistakes in the rules.
I have various Shogi documents on my Dropbox archive ( and Google Drive archive (