Hello from Honduras...
KrlosOblivion (874) 2016-08-07 21:23
I'm not that new to 81dojo, but I hadn't posted my intro sheet yet. My name is Carlos Eduardo Barahona, i'm 29 years old, my birthday is January 7, I'm from Tegucigalpa, Honduras (Central America), and currently, as far as I know, I was the only shogi player in the country. I was the first one to make a shogi board and pieces (with cardboard) until I could buy a board from Amazon.com. I've been playing shogi since October last year, but I haven't advanced as much as I likes because of school. I started teaching shogi to a couple of my Japanese language classmates (I' just finished level 1...so I'm just stsrting) ... And they seem to enjoy it... So we have about 3-4 players in the country... (all beginners) but you start somewhere right??. I want to thank Hidetchi san for making all the videos... You rock!! And for making the 81dojo also (mobile version has some ways to go but it's awesome as well). I hope that I can keep cultivating my knowledge more and more... So one day I'll be able to travel to Japan and play in real life with Dan holders, Hidetchi san himself, and a couple of eternal Meijin. Thanks for taking the time to read this post, and have an awesome shogi experience you all!! P. S. If you happen to come across any shogi book in pdf. I would be thankful if you could get me a copy...