World Shogi Forum

World Shogi Forum > Shogi in General > Opening

darkk13 (848) 2016-12-23 14:41
Hi everyone. I'm begginer in shogi,and I would like to ask you. I cant understand how to move in shogi in opening. i just do randomly moves, and my defensive and attack looking so bad, as bad as it can. Prompt me please, how do to better moves in opening,and make good attack's and defensive. I know about ''castle'', but i dont know how to make this castle.
Sorry for my english,and sorry if and sorry if similar theme was. 
5: antiquegoblin (1981) ☗0☗0☗02016-12-24 15:00
You are welcome :D
4: darkk13 (848) 2016-12-24 11:06
Thanks so much for everyone. Its very good sites for learn shogi.
3: antiquegoblin (1981) ☗0☗0☗02016-12-23 23:54 (2016-12-24 00:03に編集)
1. Do more "次の一手" and "詰将棋", they are bricks and mortar of your shogi strength

2. Pick either camp: "居飛車党" or "振り飛車党"  to begin with

3. Study the opening traps involved: so that you know the reason behind the joseki

4. watch the videos on this channel:
make sure you understand the flow behind, not merely memorizing the moves
2: kmullin (1100) 2016-12-23 22:28
1: th3319 (1388) 2016-12-23 18:43

