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World Shogi Forum > イベント、ミーティング > 【81dojo公式】第4期連座戦専用トピック/4th term Renza Championship dedicated topics

【81dojo公式】第4期連座戦専用トピック/4th term Renza Championship dedicated topics
koshon (2002) ☗19☗7☗22020-09-06 08:59
【81dojo公式】 第4期 連座戦 15分-60秒 R(パラマス式トーナメント)
開催期間:8月21日~11月21日 (UTC)
<参加資格/eligibility for participation>
The following title acquisition experience.
 Holder during the application period
 multiple holder is priority topmost
 The number on the left is in order of rank of the frame.
① 連座(RENZA) harumogu様
2 八一王(81Ou) tomycar様
3 宇宙王(CosmOu) heaven58様
4 永聖(AeonSaint) neokdr様
5 八猫帝(8myoutei) kokolemon様
6 八猫帝(8myoutei) Jyouriku様
7 八猫帝(8myoutei) casiopea様
8 八猫帝(8myoutei) kenS様
9 八猫帝(8myoutei) Oshiruko78様
10 八猫帝(8myoutei) ZXCVB69様
11 八猫帝(8myoutei) ToshioTakeyama様
12 八猫帝(8myoutei) marins様
13 冥将(DarkMatter) keima4様
14 冥将(DarkMatter) ZXCVB69様
15 流星(ShootingStar) osarukun様
16 新星(SuperNova) tsukune様
Only 10 people can apply.
Application will be closed as soon as it is gathered.
As for DarkMatter, the order of order of the results of direct confrontation is given.
そして副賞として、【81dojoより 500 Dマイル】が贈呈されます。
★The final winner of the tournament will be awarded an official Renza rank of 81 dojo.
★As a by-prize, from [81dojo] 500 D miles will be presented.
★We will give 250D miles to the runner-up.
★The duration of the competition may be extended or shortened depending on the progress.
We may extend it depending on the progress.
★If there is a draw due to the 1,000-day-long game of shogi,Please fight again.
★Please feel safe and enjoy it until the end of the event.
