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World Shogi Forum > 81Dojo in General > To old 81Dojo players

To old 81Dojo players
tomycar (2330) ☗10☗9☗62017-11-06 11:11
Hello everyone!
My real English is baby, sorry.

Do you know the old 81Dojo?
Three Major Tournaments were held from 2010 to 2012.
The three Majer Titles were 81Ou and CosmOu and Aeon Saint, and there were four Minor Titles in the other.
I am an old 81Dojo player who fought together in the 4th & 5th 81Ou League and other rated games.

I was finally able to return to my physical condition, but now I'm surprised at the 81Dojo tournaments.
The 81Dojo official tournament, there seems to be some WSL, etc., but not too lonely results?
The official title, which remains to be held now, seems to be the only [81dojo] 3rd Aeon Saint in 2017.
Demonikou the organizers, congratulations!
I was not able to play and I was really sorry.

Now that I'm planning the last big tournament in 2017, the old 81Dojo players, can you please help me?
Three major title holders of Tellmarch, Karthum and HIKARI, and other Koshiro, Linkuei, DemonikOu, Lusitano, Chilenito, and many other fighters.
oneye has become a Ladies-pro, so it will be no choice.
Did you all forget tomy?
I remember you guys who met at midnight!
Let's have a nice game again!
I will wait many entrys.
Please look at the 'Events and Meetings' page of WSF[World Shogi Forum] for more information and ask strong players.
2: tomycar (2330) ☗10☗9☗62017-11-14 06:00
Hello! ramalam.
Welcome you.
I wait your entry my tournament "The 81Dojo Champion".
1: ramalam (1018) 2017-11-14 05:41
Hi tomycar ,
Yes , the 81 dojo has come a long way!

All the best with your comeback! 
