
世界名手選手権予選 2021

20210102133826 53776d72666e36335663523649673970


大会主催者: kokolemon (2562) ☗0☗0☗0
大会形式:  総当たり
表示基準タイムゾーン: 世界標準時(UTC)
大会開催期間: 2021/02/01 00:00 ~ 2021/05/27 23:30 終了
対局ルール: 平手・練習対局 (5 分 + 30 秒)
対局室作成者の手番: ランダム
この大会ページへのリンク: https://system.81dojo.com/ja/tournaments/1849
対戦表埋め込みタグ: <iframe src="https://system.81dojo.com/ja/tournaments/1849/iframe">


1 heaven58 (2661) 48横綱
2 Naomaru1 (1812) !60小結
3 720aoi (1996) 45大関
4 Jyouriku (2558) -------------47大関
5 number99 (1882) -24関脇
6 chiikun4 (1950) -24小結
7 Hankyutrain (2212) -22大関
8 maru3shg (1856) 32小結
9 mura3264 (1650) 29小結
10 smileteacher (1677) -17小結
11 DICKBRAZIL (1488) 25小結
12 asamizuki (1932) -25関脇
13 Kazu2527 (1800) -21関脇
14 snusmumriken (1361) 21前頭
15 manyunyu (1632) -14小結
16 StopsJeep (1697) -18小結
17 boule (2004) -26関脇
18 katsu1968 (1514) -18前頭
19 Rabbit1 (1823) -14小結
20 dai1966 (1814) 9小結
21 toshio62 (1870) -26関脇
22 shumai2 (2090) 12小結
23 ZXCVB69 (2042) 13大関
24 pekeporo (1478) -8小結
25 tnkakt0510 (1589) -6小結
26 kasshy2 (1791) -8小結
27 ilisarterana (1948) 14小結
28 CharlesPrieto (961) -4前頭
29 Incursor (1599) -5小結
30 Chouwa (2157) 10関脇
31 ManyEnjoying (2137) !4大関
32 luckyriver (2130) 1関脇 アカウント停止


2021/05/27toshio62 ● - ○ Jyouriku棋譜対局
2021/05/27Jyouriku ● - ○ ilisarterana棋譜対局
2021/05/26Jyouriku ○ - ● snusmumriken棋譜対局
2021/05/25Incursor ● - ○ toshio62棋譜対局
2021/05/24ilisarterana ● - ○ toshio62棋譜対局









優勝【名手】1000D 決勝トーナメントで1位の選手。
殊勲賞【最優秀】700D 横綱以外で(予選で25勝以上の選手。
技能賞【優秀】500D 横綱以外で(予選で15勝以上の選手。
敢闘賞【優秀】600D 交流戦トーナメントにて1位の選手。
新人賞【優秀】500D 前頭、小結の選手が対象(対局数+勝点等)最終的に主催者が決定します。


この大会では多数のマイルを景品としていますので、支援をお願いできます方は300Dマイルをよろしくお願いいたします。 https://system.81dojo.com/ja/mileage_transfers

Rules for this tournament

[Number of participants] 32 or 48
[Level] We aim to advance to indiscriminate and final tournaments. (Those who can participate in the qualifying and each tournament together.
[Number of games quota] Please point to at least 10 stations. If you have less than 10 stations, you may not be able to participate in each tournament.
The top 16 players will advance to the final tournament and the rest will play an interleague tournament. In the qualifying league, it is not necessary to play all the games, but since you will compete for points until you get tired of it (win + 3 points), (loss +1 point), there is 0 point without a game, so it is better to play than not to play. If the points are tied, the ranking will be decided in descending order of rating.

Qualifying League

It will end on May 27th, and the preparation period will be from 27th to 31st (the application period for each tournament during the period).

Each tournament battle

Scheduled from June 1st to July 20th (with extension).
The organizer will inform the players of the progress of the tournament and information on the tournament by message, so please feel free to concentrate on the game.
About players
If you apply for the tournament and it is approved, it will be numbered as follows.
Kyū ranker. Frontal
First stage. Second stage. Small conclusion
3rd dan. 4th dan. Sekiwake
5th dan. 6th dan. Ozeki
Seven steps. Yokozuna
Last time champion. Master
About players
If you apply for the tournament and it is approved, it will be numbered as follows.
Kyū ranker. Frontal
First stage. Second stage. Small conclusion
3rd dan. 4th dan. Sekiwake
5th dan. 6th dan. Ozeki
Seven steps. Yokozuna
Last time champion. Master

About the prize

Winner [Master] 1000D 1st place player in the final tournament.
Special merit award [Best] 700D Other than Yokozuna (players with 25 or more wins in qualifying.
Skill Award [Excellent] 500D Other than Yokozuna (players with 15 or more wins in qualifying.
Fighting Award [Excellent] 600D 1st place player in the exchange tournament.
Rookie Award [Excellent] 500D Forefront and Koyui players (number of games + points, etc.) The organizer will be decided in the end.

About tournament support

Many miles are given as prizes at this tournament, so if you can ask for support, please give me a'300D mile. https://system.81dojo.com/ja/mileage_transfers
Transferee user name, number of miles to be transferred, reason for transfer (contest entry fee or prize money)
And you can send D'miles by pasting the URL of the tournament! (* ^ ▽ ^ *
