WhiteShark's Player Information
- 英将 (EISHO) (第11期)
Games to load:
Playing style:
Joining Clubs
- Open Official22nd term 81Ou League-B 15min+60sec Rated/ Capacity 40 participants (75 days)
- Ended 第二回怪傑戦 順位戦【クラス別ハンデ戦】R5-30賞与総額3200Ⅾマイル 途中参加絶賛受付中!
- Ended Official21st term 81Ou League-B 15min+60sec Rated/ Capacity 40 participants (75 days)
- Ended Official20th term 81Ou League-B 15min+60sec Rated/ Capacity 40 participants (75 days)
- Ended Official19th term 81Ou League-B 15min+60sec Rated/ Capacity 30 participants (75 days)
- Ended Official18th term 81Ou League-B 15min+60sec Rated/ Capacity 30 participants (75 days)
- Ended Official17th term 81Ou League-B 15min+60sec Rated/ Capacity 30 participants (75 days)
- Ended Official16th term 81Ou League-B 15min+60sec Rated/ Capacity 30 participants (75 days)
- Ended Official15th term 81Ou League-C 15min+60sec Rated/ No capacity limit (75 days)
- Ended Official17th Heroes Cup Qualifying 10min+30sec Rated
- Ended Official11th term CosmOu League-B [More than R1500 and less than R1999]
- Ended 第3期勇往戦A(3rd term Yuuou-sen) (under 3-Dan: R1949)※Quota: 5 games
- Ended Official14th term 81Ou League-B 15min+60sec Rated/ Capacity 30 participants (75 days)
- Ended Official16th Heroes Cup Qualifying 10min+30sec Rated
- Ended Official10th term CosmOu League-B [MAX-R1999 and down] 15min+60sec Rated
- Ended 第2期勇往戦A(2nd term Yuuou-sen) (1Dan - 3Dan : R1500-R1949)
- Ended Official15th Heroes Cup Qualifying 10min+30sec Rated
- Ended Official7th term Renza League-B [MAX-R1999 and down] 10min+30sec Rated
- Ended Official13th term 81Ou League-B 15min+60sec Rated/ Capacity 30 participants (75 days)
- Ended 14th Heroes Cup
- Ended Official9th term CosmOu League-B [MAX-R1999 and down] 15min+60sec Rated
- Ended 13th Heroes Cup Final
- Ended Official12th term 81Ou League-B 15min+60sec Rated/ Capacity 30 participants (75 days)
- Ended 13th Heroes Cup
- Ended [Official Sapporting Title match]Best cLass Winner MEIJIN Tournamy-Third season-B group
- Ended Official8th term CosmOu League 2 set R1500-R1949
- Ended 12th Eiji Battle <Qualifying by rank in the tournament>
- Ended 第1期 希桜戦 【クラス別ハンデ戦】~総額5,000Dマイル~
- Ended 11th Heroes Battle Final Tournament
- Ended Official11th term 81Ou League-C 15min+60sec Rated/ No capacity limit (75 days)
- Ended 梅雨入り大会B級
- Ended Official6th Aeon Saint [Long Thought Shogi Tournament] 30 minutes + 60 seconds Shogi Tournament
- Ended 11th Heroes Battle <2nd dan or less qualifying>
- Ended Official7term CosmOu League 2 set R1500-R1949
- Ended Official10th term 81Ou League-B 15min+60sec Rated/ Capacity 15 participants (60 days)
- Ended 1st Doragon
- Ended 4nd New Holy battle[2dan or lower league](non-Japanese players are also welcomed!)
- Ended 【第三期鱏王戦】 三段以下総当たり戦 【閉幕】
- Ended Official6th CosmOu League 2 groups 3rd to 1st stage users
- Ended Official9th term 81Ou League Class B
- Ended 4nd New Holy battle[2dan or lower league](non-Japanese players are also welcomed!)
- Ended 4th Heroes Competition
- Ended 3rd Heroes Competition
- Ended 2020 RAIRYU WORLD CUP 10min+30sec Rated/ No entry fee
- Ended Official8th term 81Ou League Class B
- Ended 第二期金海戦
- Ended 1nd glory battle
- Ended ★1st red sparrow Cup (5th to 15th grade) 30m - 60s R round-robin battle
- Ended ★1st red sparrow Cup (5th to 15th grade) 15m - 60s R round-robin battle
- Ended 1st Brave Bird Cup (7th to 15th grade) 15m - 60s R round-robin battle
- Ended 【第1期 連龍王将戦】
- Ended Official7th term 81Ou League 【Class B 】General
- Ended Thanks to 150 Competitions 15min+60sec Non-rated
- Ended 1st Brave Bird Cup (7th to 15th grade) 15m - 60s R round-robin battle
- Ended 1st Saint Cup