kyuukei's Player Information
- 十二神将 (12 Generals) (9th term)
- 英将 (EISHO) (通算5期永世英将)
- 英将 (EISHO) (第8期)
- 英将 (EISHO) (第7期)
- 英傑 (Hero) (第6期)
- 五大竜王 (The Five Great Dragon Kings) (第2期)
- 英傑 (Hero) (第5期)
- 英将 (EISHO) (第4期)
- 英将 (EISHO) (第3期)
- 英傑 (Hero) (第2期)
- 英将 (EISHO) (第1期)
- 覇勢 (HASEI) (第四期)
Games to load:
Playing style:
Joining Clubs
- Ended Official10th term 81Ou League-A 15min+60sec Rated/ Capacity 12 participants (60 days)
- Ended 10th Heroes Competition
- Ended 9th Heroes Competition
- Ended 8th Heroes Competition
- Ended 7th Heroes Competition
- Ended Official9th term 81Ou League Class B
- Ended Official5thRenza Championship
- Ended 6th Heroes Competition
- Ended ★第2期 迦楼羅戦
- Ended 5th Heroes Competition
- Ended 【4th Renryu Osho Championship】
- Ended 4th Heroes Competition
- Ended Iron man battle
- 2 Ended Official5th CosmOu
- Ended 3rd Heroes Competition
- Ended 第五期覇勢戦
- Ended ★3rd Ryusho Cup
- Ended OfficialThe first class more than 4-dan
- Ended Official4th term AeonSaint 30min+60sec Rated/ Single elimination
- Ended Official8th term 81Ou League Class C-1 (Upper R1650-users)
- Ended ★3rd red sparrow Cup (5th to 15th grade) 30m - 60s R round-robin battle
- Ended 4th Brave Bird Cup (7th to 15th grade) 15m - 60s R round-robin battle
- Ended ★4th Kajiki Cup (7th to 15th grade) 0m-30s R round-robin battle
- Ended 4th Saint Cup
- Ended 第四期覇勢戦
- Ended 2nd Heroes Competition
- Ended 1st Heroes Competition R10min+30sec <Eiketsu-Sen>