zloysnegovik's Player Information
Games to load:
Playing style:
Joining Clubs
- Ended 6th North Dragon Club's Tournament
- Ended 5th North Dragon Club's Tournament
- Ended 1st Brave Bird Cup (7th to 15th grade) 15m - 60s R round-robin battle
- Ended 4th North Dragon Club's Tournament
- Ended 4th TENMA-sen [U-R1299] 15min-60sec Inter League Rated Match
- Ended 3rd North Dragon Club's Tournament
- Ended 2nd North Dragon Club's Tournament
- Ended Feeling Real Town Dojo Tournament 1st season [even R30+60 or handicap NR30+60] ◆closed◆
- Ended 2nd 81dojo tournament between clubs
- Ended 11th Blue Dragons Cup "U-R1499 Championship" 15m-60s R
- Ended We play on shogi with Joy and Logic.(U 2400)
- Ended PHOENIX Cup 15m-60s Rated -World Shogi Championship-
- Ended The first REA tournament
- Ended In 81dojo Friendly Shogi Cup rating Under 1400
- Ended 1st TENMA sen [U-R1299] 15m-60s Inter League Rated Match
- Ended 1st North Dragon Club's Tournament