Amoruso's Player Information
- WSL (世界リーグ | World Shogi League Winner) (2020 Division A)
Games to load:
Playing style:
Joining Clubs
- Open Official22nd term 81Ou League-C 15min+60sec Rated/ No capacity limit (75 days)
- Open Official14th term CosmOu Qualifying League-B [2099 and down] 15min+60sec Rated
- Ended OfficialWorld Shogi League 2022, Division A
- Ended Official8th term CosmOu League 2 set R1500-R1949
- Ended OfficialProfessional Teaching Games for WSL '20 Winners (Rook Handicap)
- Ended Official7term CosmOu League 2 set R1500-R1949
- Ended World Shogi League 2021, Division A
- Ended Official9th SHOOTING STAR 0min+10sec Non-rated
- Ended 1st European Online Shogi Blitz Championship
- Ended Official8th SHOOTING STAR 0min+10sec Non-rated
- Ended Gimhae Battle
- Ended World Shogi League 2020, Division A
- Ended 2nd Saint Cup
- Ended ★4th All Comer [Gold orca] 5min+30sec Rated/ Trial RAIRYU-sen
- Ended World Shogi League 2019, Division A
- Ended World Shogi League 2018, Pool A, Round 1
- Ended 9th Cheetah running at full speed Cup 0m-10s NR
- Ended 2nd Orcinus orca -30 seconds Shogi Championship- 0m-30s R
- Ended World Shogi League 2018, Group Playoff
- Ended World Shogi League 2018, Group Europe II
- Ended ☆8h Cheetah running at full speed Cup 0m-10s NR
- Ended 1st North Dragon Club's Tournament
- Ended ☆6th Cheetah running at full speed Cup 0m-10s NR
- Ended 10 seconds Shogi Festival (from 3kyu to 3dan)
- Ended 30秒将棋最強戦 有段戦
- Ended 5th Cheetah running at full speed Cup 0m10s NR
- Ended 4th Green Dragons Cup "R1874-1300" 15m60s R
- Ended 1st 8-Dan tournaments B1-class(2-Dan to 5-Dan R1625~R2149)
- Ended World Shogi League 2017, Division A
- Ended World Shogi League 2016, Division A