Hankyutrain's Player Information
- 10秒王 (10 Seconds King) (第39回、第42回)
Games to load:
Playing style:
Joining Clubs
- Ended 10th Heroes Competition
- Ended 5th RAIRYU-sen 30min+60sec Rated/ Feel free to decide the rules
- Ended 6 th Saint Cup
- Ended 第41回早指し10秒大会 2021/01/28 20時~22時
- Ended 復活 超短期決戦大会!10秒将棋90分制~ 1月16日22時~23時30分40回10秒
- Ended 第1回2021年2月最強決定戦
- Ended Ultra-short-term decisive battle tournament! 10-second shogi 60-minute system-January 21st 18: 00-19: 00!
- Ended 龍鳳戦 〜目指せ200人〜
- Ended Ultra-short-term decisive battle tournament! 10-second shogi 60-minute system-January 21st 18: 00-19: 00!
- Ended 爆力10秒戦!!。トーナメント!!。1
- Ended 爆力10秒戦!!。トーナメント!!。2
- Ended 楽しく!(^^)!何でも研究会 王者戦! 第二期
- Ended Official13th SHOOTING STAR 0min+10sec Non-rated
- 2 Ended 8th Falcon Cup -60 seconds Shogi Championship- 0min+60sec NR / Double elimination
- Ended Circle-Meijin
- Ended 3rd-10sec-Tourney
- Ended 38回10秒将棋大会
- Ended 37回10秒将棋大会!
- Ended World Master Championship 2021
- Ended 春休み記念将棋大会
- Ended New-Year-Gift 10s
- Ended The 2nd Throne Battle!
- Ended 8th Heroes Competition
- Ended 第9期覇勢戦
- Ended 第十期竜馬騎士戦予選
- Ended 第7期 降魔戦
- Ended 10 seconds round robin strongest persondeciding match