myusamada's Player Information
Games to load:
Playing style:
Joining Clubs
- Ended パパイヤ杯
- Ended アパガード杯・女子アマ将棋団体戦 B1クラス・副将リーグ
- Ended 第1回 初段を目指す会限定大会 ZERO 決勝トーナメント
- Ended 1st. Tournament restricted within the Circle "初段を目指す会" - ZERO〔Preliminary Stage〕
- Ended アパガード杯・女子アマ将棋団体戦 B1クラス・三将リーグ
- Ended 1級以下王将戦
- Ended 祝!令和 新元号記念大会【本戦リーグ戦】
- Ended 祝!令和 新元号記念大会【予選】 土日祝日限定
- Ended 12th Suiryu-sen [U-R1749] 10min-30sec Rated
- Ended 第2回初段を目指す会限定大会予選
- Ended ☆6th Cheetah running at full speed Cup 0m-10s NR
- Ended 第1回初段を目指す会限定大会
- Ended 7th Blue Dragons Cup 'R1499-1150' 15m60s Rated
- Ended Participants of the first class position
- Ended ☆PHOENIX GRAND PRIX (Autumn) 15m-60s R
- Ended Happy Shogi Research Dojo Qualification
- Ended 30秒将棋最強戦 級位者戦
- Ended 5th Cheetah running at full speed Cup 0m10s NR
- Ended 第1回 名人杯
- Ended 1st [U-R1749] MAGURO Cup 5m-30s Rated
- Ended 第1回 季節トーナメント戦【秋】
- Ended The first Shogi cafe (2-dan from to 1-dan) limited meeting