ploughing123's Player Information
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Joining Clubs
- ⭕️四人将棋サークル in 81道場 4Player shogi circle in 81 dojo
- 小中学生仲良しの会 Meeting of elementary and junior high school students
- 楽しく!(^^)!何でも研究会☆Enjoy!(^^)!Anything study club
- 初段を目指す会
- 居飛車研究所
- 将棋研究会 Shogi Study Group
- ~居飛車研究会 / Static Rook study club~
- Chouwaの三間飛車研究 Chouwa's Study of 3rd-File Rook (CS3)
- 数学研究会
- 棋広会
- 新定跡・新戦法を作っちゃおうぜ!\(^o^)/の会
- Shogi Ladder
- Ukrainian Shogi Dojo | ウクライナ将棋道場
- ☗ 81道場で五級位上昇を目指す会 (5JK) ☖ Aiming at the Rise in the Fifth Kyu
- Hidetchi様(81Dojo席主)を応援する会(^^♪ !一致団結!
- 将棋大好きサークル Circle for shogi lovers!
- おもしろ将棋サークル
- Ended Official11th term CosmOu League-B [More than R1500 and less than R1999]
- Ended Machami lovers
- Ended 池八~総額10000マイル~ハンデあり 途中参加受付中
- Ended [Winning prize 1000D] Summer vacation commemoration! 10 seconds tournament
- Ended 4th Tensho tournament
- Ended Official20th term Shooting Star NR0-10
- Ended 2022summer vacation wer
- Ended 7th Fighting Battle R 5m + 30s The winner gets Fighter(titel)!
- 2 Ended 第十八期 五級位上昇を目指す会 棋王戦
- Ended Nezalezhnist Shogi Open - 2022
- Ended Official17th Heroes Cup Qualifying 10min+30sec Rated
- Ended 4th Enjoy!(^^)!Anything study club Fun Tournament~The first one to P+ wins.~
- Playing Shogi Champions
- Ended Only Handicap Tournament [Circle Only]
- Ended REIWA Cup XXXI (Blue Sky Shogi)
- Ended 第74回 7サークル合同研究会
- Ended 1DAY(第80戦:2022/07/24)三傑戦
- Ended 1DAY(第79戦:2022/07/23)三傑戦
- Ended 1DAY(第78戦:2022/07/18)三傑戦