nobu459's Player Information
- 白鷺 (White Heron) (第1回 雲竜王)
Games to load:
Playing style:
Joining Clubs
- Ended 撞鵬杯【持ち駒9枚将棋】
- Ended 第一期三銃士戦【王三つ将棋】
- Ended Fun Gorogoro Shogi Tournament
- Ended 2nd giraffe cap final
- Ended kyouto-shogi champigonship
- Ended 第1回すべての将棋研究会会員限定大会③【京都将棋部門】
- Ended Official7th term 81Ou League 【Class B 】General
- Ended ★第2回 ゴロゴロ盃 5分ー60分 ⦅総当たり戦⦆
- Ended 【第1期 連龍王将戦】
- Ended 1st Brave Bird Cup (7th to 15th grade) 15m - 60s R round-robin battle
- Ended 2nd Unryu Cup (7th to 15th grade) 5m - 30s (Blue sky shogi)
- Ended Best cLass winner Meijin(C ciass)
- Ended 1st "Taikyoku" Kyoto-shogi World Championship Tournament
- Ended ★1st Unryu Cup (7th to 15th grade) 10m - 30s (Blue sky shogi)
- Ended ビリヤード杯
- Ended 第1期 三種目複合蜻蛉切戦【京都将棋部門】
- Ended 第1期 三種目複合蜻蛉切戦【本将棋部門】
- Ended 第1期 三種目複合蜻蛉切戦【五々将棋部門】
- Ended 1st Marlin Cup (7th to 15th grade) 0 minutes - 30 seconds R round-robin battle
- Ended Thanks to 150 Competitions 15min+60sec Non-rated
- Ended ナイン杯
- Ended 【第二期鱏王戦】 三段以下総当たり戦 【閉幕】
- Ended 第1期 竜馬騎士戦【持ち駒不使用将棋】
- Ended セブン杯
- Ended 第2期 降魔戦【居玉限定】
- Ended ファイブ杯
- Ended REIWA Tourney (Blue Sky Shogi)
- Ended 第1期 降魔戦【居玉限定】
- Ended 2nd Giraffe Cup Qualifying
- Ended 3rd "King with 5 pieces Cup" (Mini-shogi) 5min+30sec / Round-robin
- Ended 2nd "King with 5 pieces Cup" (Mini-shogi) 5min+30sec / Round-robin
- Ended Giraffe cap