pekeporo's Player Information
Games to load:
Playing style:
Joining Clubs
- Ended OfficialThe 19th Super Nova [R1499 and down] 15min+60sec Rated
- Ended Official15th term 81Ou League-C 15min+60sec Rated/ No capacity limit (75 days)
- Ended 6th. Tournament restricted within the Circle "初段を目指す会" - ZERO〔Preliminary Stage〕
- Ended 第2回千思万考大会
- Ended 7th Fighting Battle R 5m + 30s The winner gets Fighter(titel)!
- Ended SAMIDARE 10sec
- Ended 第1回星雲戦
- Ended 2nd 30sec shogi tournament NR 0-30
- Ended 第四回俊旋戦
- Ended 第二回俊旋戦
- Ended 第15回 初段を目指す会限定大会【予選】
- Ended 速神戦
- Ended 初、2段限定 20分30秒選手権
- Ended 4nd New Holy battle[2dan or lower league](non-Japanese players are also welcomed!)
- Ended <将棋大好きサークル限定>加入者81名記念大会~棋力関係無く入賞出来ます!!!~
- Ended 17th Aiming at the Rise in the Fifth Kyu KISEI sen
- Ended Official13th SHOOTING STAR 0min+10sec Non-rated
- Ended 春休み記念将棋大会
- Ended World Master Championship 2021
- Ended 8th Heroes Competition
- Ended 【第三期鱏王戦】 三段以下総当たり戦 【閉幕】
- Ended 1st time Dragon star assembly
- Ended Official6th CosmOu League 3 groups of users of 1st grade or lower
- Ended 新年お祝い! 早指し10秒大会!
- Ended 10 seconds round robin strongest persondeciding match
- Ended 月別決定戦2020年総まとめ大会!2021年1月7日まで
- Ended 第一回龍座早指し戦50人集まれ~
- Ended Year's First Year!NR-5min30sec total prize・・・2021D-mile