shogisai's Player Information
- 白鷺 (White Heron) (第2回 雲竜王)
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Joining Clubs
- Ended レート対局!
- Ended 1st Tennou Wars(天王戦) 10min+10sec NR☆
- Ended 2020 1st Rainy Sky Competition NR5min+30sec
- Ended トーナメント戦!賞金あり!~練習対局~
- Ended ★なんでも研究会 第ニ期名龍戦予選
- Ended 第3回 Dマイルをためたい方向けの、将棋大会。
- Ended 1st Heroes Competition R10min+30sec <Eiketsu-Sen>
- Ended 第1回 みんなでワイワイ! どうぶつ将棋最強者決定戦
- Ended 1st fighting gameR 5 minutes + 30 seconds
- Ended World Champion ship
- 2 Ended 熱戦雨の王者
- Ended 第1回最強戦 初段以上大会
- Ended (三段以上)DマイルA級!
- Ended 運命の一手
- Ended Elementary and junior high school student tournament with more than two dan
- Ended ★第2回 龍将盃{七段~15級}10分ー30秒R(勝ち抜きトーナメント) -3th連龍王将戦トライアル
- Ended 第一期覇勢戦
- Ended 3nd Unryu Cup (7th to 15th grade) 5m - 30s (Blue sky shogi)
- Ended REIWA Tourney III (Blue Sky Shogi)
- Ended 3st Kajiki Cup (7th to 15th grade) 0m-30s R round-robin battle
- Ended 3st Brave Bird Cup (7th to 15th grade) 15m - 60s R round-robin battle
- Ended 第7期 叡将戦【オープン予選リーグ】
- Ended 3rd Giraffe Cup Qualifying
- 2 Ended Official4th-term CosmOu 10min+30sec Rated/ Double elimination ☆Experimental Competitions☆
- Ended 3rd Saint Cup
- Ended Mountain Monster Online Tournament (Taiwan) Organized by Xshogi
- Ended falconrywar
- Ended World Shogi League 2020, Division A
- Ended ★1st red sparrow Cup (5th to 15th grade) 15m - 60s R round-robin battle
- Ended 2nd Unryu Cup (7th to 15th grade) 5m - 30s (Blue sky shogi)
- Ended 11th Wild Boar, Rush and go straight ! [U-R1999] 10min+30sec Rated -Trial 4th RAIRYU-
- Ended 3rd time Red Dragon Emperor battle[dragon emperor diadem]【Qualification round B】~R1749
- Ended 12th Suiryu-sen [U-R1749] 10min-30sec Rated
- Ended 第5期 叡将戦【白組順位戦】
- Ended World Shogi League 2019, Division A
- Ended 12th Cheetah running at full speed Cup 0min-10sec NR