superkev_tommy's Player Information
Games to load:
Playing style:
Joining Clubs
- Ended Official10th term CosmOu League-B [MAX-R1999 and down] 15min+60sec Rated
- Ended 第2期勇往戦B(2nd term Yuuou-sen) (9kyu - 1kyu : R1000-R1499)
- Ended Official16th Super Nova [R1499 and down] 15min+60sec Rated
- Ended Seasonal War ~ Spring Cold Charges Volume ~
- Ended 4th Ryujin Battle-Prize 4000 miles! ~ There is also a rank award
- Ended Official7th term Renza League-B [MAX-R1999 and down] 10min+30sec Rated
- Ended 5th Fighting Cup R 5 minutes + 30 seconds The winner gets Fighter(titel)! You are welcome to join us on the way!
- Ended Official13th term 81Ou League-C 15min+60sec Rated/ No capacity limit (75 days)
- Ended Official15th Super Nova [R1499 and down] 15min+60sec Rated
- Ended 2022 Happy New Year Tournament
- Ended Official7th Aeon Saint [Long Thought Shogi Tournament] 30 minutes + 60 seconds Shogi Tournament
- Ended BNT
- Ended 第1回新・1位争奪杯
- Ended Official16th term Shooting Star NR 0-10
- Ended ✨✨光輝戦✨✨
- Ended Official13th Super Nova [R1499 and down] 15min+60sec Rated
- Ended Official8th team Cosm Ou League 3set R1499 and down
- Ended 四間飛車王決定戦
- Ended 第11期覇勢戦
- Ended 第1回 テトリス杯 10分切れ負け
- Ended 第1期龍座戦目指せ50人
- Ended 1st Kouou-Sen 5min+10sec NR
- Ended Official10th term 81Ou League-C 15min+60sec Rated/ No capacity limit (90 days)
- Ended 3nd fighting game The total prize money is 2680D! This tourney is open to all.
- Ended Official13th SHOOTING STAR 0min+10sec Non-rated
- Ended 春休み記念将棋大会
- Ended 8th Heroes Competition
- Ended The 2nd Throne Battle!
- Ended Official9th SuperNova [R1499 and down] 15min+60sec Rated
- Ended Official6th CosmOu League 3 groups of users of 1st grade or lower
- Ended 【第三期鱏王戦】 三段以下総当たり戦 【閉幕】
- Ended 7th Heroes Competition
- Ended 第3期新聖戦
- Ended Official10th SHOOTING STAR 0min+10sec Non-rated
- Ended Official7th SuperNova [R1499 and down] 15min+60sec Rated
- Ended Official4th term AeonSaint 30min+60sec Rated/ Single elimination
- Ended Official9th SHOOTING STAR 0min+10sec Non-rated
- Ended 1st Heroes Competition R10min+30sec <Eiketsu-Sen>
- Ended ★1st red sparrow Cup (5th to 15th grade) 30m - 60s R round-robin battle
- Ended Official7th-term Shooting Star 0min+10sec Non-rated
- Ended Official5th SUPER NOVA [R1499 and down] 15min+60sec Rated
- Ended 将棋王
- Ended 祝!令和 新元号記念大会【予選】 土日祝日限定
- Ended 国際,国内交流王戦
- Ended 早指し王決定大会(2段以下限定)
- Ended 5th Suiryu-sen "U-R1624" 10m-30s Rated
- Ended Participants of the first class position
- Ended 30秒将棋最強戦 級位者戦
- Ended [Kyu]OZ-league 2nd
- Ended 4th Suiryu-sen "U-R1749 Single elimination" 10m30s R
- Ended 5th Blue Dragons Cup "R1499-1150" 15m60s Rated
- Ended 1st 8-Dan tournaments C2-class(15-kyu to 1-kyu R1~R1499)
- Ended 2nd Stew-Cup "R1299- class"
- Ended Official3rd Supernova