tokita33's Player Information
Games to load:
Playing style:
Joining Clubs
- Ended 第1回 10分+30秒大会!総額2000Dマイル! 途中参加受付中
- Ended 3nd fighting game The total prize money is 2680D! This tourney is open to all.
- Ended 第三回俊旋戦
- Ended 第二回俊旋戦
- Ended 春渓戦 ~春休み記念大会! 総額3150D‼ 棋力関係なく入賞できます ~
- Ended HASEI
- Ended 速神戦
- Ended 10 minutes 30 seconds Shogi exchange game! The total number of points ranked is doubled!
- Ended 10th Heroes Competition
- Ended 9th Heroes Competition
- Ended REIWA Cup XIV (Blue Sky Shogi)
- Ended Nekkou R game
- Ended <将棋大好きサークル限定>加入者81名記念大会~棋力関係無く入賞出来ます!!!~
- Ended Circle-Meijin
- Ended The 2nd Throne Battle!
- Ended 10秒総当たり 最強者決定戦 1月3日
- Ended 5時間制10秒総当たり 最強者決定戦
- Ended 新年おめでとう 今年もよろしく記念大会!!
- Ended 8th Heroes Competition
- Ended Year's First Year!NR-5min30sec total prize・・・2021D-mile
- Ended クリスマス限定10秒大会!
- Ended The first class tournament B
- Ended Iron man battle
- Ended 【第三期鱏王戦】 三段以下総当たり戦 【閉幕】
- Ended Official6th CosmOu League 2 groups 3rd to 1st stage users
- Ended 7th Heroes Competition
- Ended 1st time Dragon star assembly
- Ended REIWA Cup XIII (Blue Sky Shogi)
- Ended 第7期 降魔戦
- Ended 第9期覇勢戦