LeeJaeWoo's Player Information
Games to load:
Playing style:
Joining Clubs
- Ended Official7th term 81Ou League 【Class B 】General
- Ended 30秒将棋最強戦 有段戦
- Ended 4th Suiryu-sen "U-R1749 Single elimination" 10m30s R
- Ended 1st 8-Dan tournaments B2-class(1-Dan to 4-Dan R1500~R1999)
- Ended [White Lion Cup] Korea Open Shogi Championship
- Ended Japan-Korea Friendship Shogi Tournament
- Ended 1st Blue Dragons Cup (R1499-1300 class)
- Ended ゴロゴロ将棋大会
- Ended Japanese culture syogi tournament
- Ended 第1回 龍王戦
- Ended Game of stamina of shogi.Long durability time.It starts from an antarctic day.
- Ended 第3回世界名手選手権大会
- Ended 2016最強者決定戦
- Ended 楽将杯最強者決定戦
- Ended East Asia tournament
- Ended Official[81Dojo] 4th Shooting Star