onohiro's Player Information
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Playing style:
Joining Clubs
- Ended Official第13期 希桜戦 ~総額5,000Dマイル~ 【クラス別ハンデ戦・持時間変動制】
- Ended 2023 Happy New Year Tournament!
- Ended 8th Fighting Battle R 5m + 30s The winner gets Fighter(titel)!
- Ended Official12th term 81Ou League-C 15min+60sec Rated/ No capacity limit (75 days)
- Ended 4th Fighting Cup R 5 minutes + 30 seconds Promoted to the title! You are welcome to join us on the way!
- Ended 弓矢神
- Ended 第一期 達人戦 !<オープンリーグ戦> ~ 本戦と合わせて4595Dマイル!
- Ended 4th Heroes Competition
- Ended 2020 RAIRYU WORLD CUP 10min+30sec Rated/ No entry fee
- Ended 【第二期鱏王戦】 三段以下総当たり戦 【閉幕】
- Ended 第1期 玉将戦
- Ended 6th Wild Boar, Rush and go straight ! [R1999-1300] 10min-30sec Rated
- Ended 【第20回名手選手権大会】
- Ended 【第19回名手選手権大会】
- Ended dai18kaimeisyusensyukentaikai
- Ended Feeling Real Town Dojo Tournament 1st season [even R30+60 or handicap NR30+60] ◆closed◆
- Ended 第12回世界名手選手権大会決勝トーナメント
- Ended 第12回世界名手選手権大会予選
- Ended 第9回世界名手選手権大会決勝トーナメント
- Ended 第9回世界名手選手権大会予選
- Ended 1st 8-Dan tournaments B2-class(1-Dan to 4-Dan R1500~R1999)
- Ended 3rd Green Dragons Cup "R1749-1500" 15m60s Rated
- Ended ☆2nd Cheetah running at full speed Cup 0m10s NR