boomerang_hata's Player Information
Games to load:
Playing style:
Joining Clubs
- Open 第二期大乱軍争奪戦 「〜総額2900マイル〜」
- Playing 第二回永闘戦~総額1200Dマイル!~【クラス別ハンデ戦】
- Playing 第一回激闘戦 人数により賞金変動! 最大総額1000dマイル
- Playing 第6回新・1位争奪杯 賞金総額2000マイル!途中参加可能!
- Open Official14th term CosmOu Qualifying League-B [2099 and down] 15min+60sec Rated
- Ended 2024年将棋忘年会 【持ち時間変動制】【総額3000マイル】 途中参加受付中!!!
- Ended Official25th term Shooting Star
- Playing 【500Dマイル争奪】第一期 進昇戦決勝
- Ended 第一回地区選抜将棋大会 関西地区大会 【賞与総額5500Ⅾマイル】NR10‐30
- Ended 秋のおいも収穫杯
- Ended First Eternal Battle
- Ended 2nd Sakurai match Class ranking match Total 3000D miles
- Ended Official13th term CosmOu Qualifying League-B [2099 and down] 15min+60sec Rated
- Ended Official24th term Shooting Star
- Ended 総当たり式将棋大会 賞金総額2000Dマイル!
- Ended The 1 phase Advance Qualifying league ~~shinshosen【Total bonus 1250D miles】 ~Class-specific handicap battle~
- Ended "第13期勇往戦A"(11th term Yuuou-sen) (under 3-Dan: R1949)※Quota: 5 games
- Ended Official20th term 81Ou League-C 15min+60sec Rated/ No capacity limit (75 days)
- Ended 6th Unryu Battle NR0-10 - Total bonus 3000D miles
- Ended "第12期勇往戦A"(11th term Yuuou-sen) (under 3-Dan: R1949)※Quota: 5 games
- Ended ゴールデンウィーク杯
- Ended 第1期韋駄天戦〜総額1250マイル!~
- Ended World Amateur Shogi Championship
- Ended 第1期轟龍戦 NR10-30~賞与総額1500Ⅾマイル~
- Ended Official19th term 81Ou League-C 15min+60sec Rated/ No capacity limit (75 days)
- Ended 魔強戦 NR 0−30
- Ended 第6回 テトリス杯 10分切れ負け
- Ended Official12th term CosmOu League-C [R1649 or less]
- Ended "第9期勇往戦A"(5th term Yuuou-sen) (under 3-Dan: R1949)※Quota: 5 games
- Ended 第4回千思万考大会予選 総額2600マイル+タイトル
- Ended New Holy battle [R1799 and down]
- Ended 4th Unryu Battle NR0-10 - Total bonus 3000D miles
- Ended Official23rd term Shooting Star
- Ended Official18th term 81Ou League-C 15min+60sec Rated/ No capacity limit (75 days)
- Ended Official第14期 希桜戦 ~総額5,000Dマイル~ 【クラス別ハンデ戦・持時間変動制】
- Ended welcome!!!!!!!!!!
- Ended 第8期勇往戦A(5th term Yuuou-sen) (under 3-Dan: R1949)※Quota: 5 games
- 2 Ended 11th Falcon Cup -60 seconds Shogi Championship- 0min+60sec NR / Double elimination
- Ended Tourney
- Ended Official22nd term Shooting Star
- Ended 第五回四段以下Ⅾマイル戦総額2500Ⅾマイル
- Ended Official第13期 希桜戦 ~総額5,000Dマイル~ 【クラス別ハンデ戦・持時間変動制】
- Ended 第1期雷遜戦 NR0-10 賞金総額1500Dマイル
- Ended 第四回四段以下Ⅾマイル戦総額2200Ⅾマイル
- Ended Official17th term 81Ou League-C 15min+60sec Rated/ No capacity limit (75 days)
- Ended "第7期勇往戦A"(5th term Yuuou-sen) (under 3-Dan: R1949)※Quota: 5 games
- Ended New Holy battle [R1799 and down]
- Ended 第3回千思万考大会 総額1800マイル タイトル
- Ended 2nd cloud eagle cup NR 0-30 ~Bonus total 1800 D miles~
- Ended ★5th Vermilion Bird Cup [30 minutes + 60 seconds R]
- Ended 2nd Unryu Battle NR0-10 ~Total 3000D Miles~
- Ended "第6期勇往戦A"(5th term Yuuou-sen) (under 3-Dan: R1949)※Quota: 5 games
- Ended 2~4月王
- Ended Official16th term 81Ou League-C 15min+60sec Rated/ No capacity limit (75 days)
- Ended 1st Unryu Battle-Total Bonus 3000D Miles-
- Ended 2023 Happy New Year Tournament!
- Ended 第1回 雲鷲戦 NR 0-30 ~賞与総額1100Dマイル~
- Ended 第5期勇往戦A(5th term Yuuou-sen) (under 3-Dan: R1949)※Quota: 5 games
- Ended 第ニ回 りんごカップ
- Ended The 1st Tororo Kombu Cup Shogi Meijin-sen
- Ended 対局祭(誰でも参加ok!)
- Ended 観る指すリーグ
- Ended 春夏秋冬〜冬の陣〜(トーナメント)
- Ended 第4期勇往戦A(4th term Yuuou-sen) (under 3-Dan: R1949)※Quota: 5 games
- Ended Official21st term Shooting Star NR0-10
- Ended OfficialThe 19th Super Nova [R1499 and down] 15min+60sec Rated
- Ended Official15th term 81Ou League-C 15min+60sec Rated/ No capacity limit (75 days)
- Ended 春夏秋冬秋の陣
- Ended 6th. Tournament restricted within the Circle "初段を目指す会" - ZERO〔Preliminary Stage〕
- Ended OfficialThe 16th Dark Matter [Handicap by Rank] 5min+30sec NR
- Ended 第1回手羽先杯 総額3500Dマイル!
- Ended 10秒将棋同好会大会☆彡
- Ended 第2回千思万考大会
- Ended 池八~総額10000マイル~ハンデあり 途中参加受付中
- 2 Ended 第十八期 五級位上昇を目指す会 棋王戦
- Ended 第7回一期一会杯団体戦
- Ended [Ukrainian Shogi Dojo] Jinshin War #2
- Ended Official20th term Shooting Star NR0-10
- Ended 第4期いちごチャレンジ杯淡雪戦 15分60秒NR
- Ended OfficialThe 18th SuperNova [R1499 and down] 15min+60sec
- Ended 第19回 初段を目指す会限定大会【予選】
- Ended Official11th term CosmOu League-C [R1499 or less]
- Ended Official9th Aeon Saint [Long Thought Shogi Tournament] 30 minutes + 60 seconds Shogi Tournament
- Ended 第3期勇往戦B(3rd term Yuuou-sen) (under 3-kyu: R1349)