snowy0503's Player Information
- 準10秒王 (準10秒王) (5時間制)
- 朱雀 (Vermilion Bird ) (第2回 朱雀)
Games to load:
Playing style:
棋力証明有 棋力証明についてR2274 2020.04.25 |
Joining Clubs
- Ended Official8th team CosmOu League 1 set R1950 and up
- Ended 1st Ryora Cup preliminary tournament
- Ended RUN&GUN
- Ended GW最強決定戦!~閉幕~
- Ended Official7term CosmOu League 1 set R1950 and up
- Ended 第十七回俊旋戦
- Ended Official10th term 81Ou League-C 15min+60sec Rated/ No capacity limit (90 days)
- Ended 10th Heroes Competition
- Ended 第十一期竜馬騎士戦本選
- Ended January 31st limited tournament of 5 minutes 30 seconds!
- Ended 第十一期竜馬騎士戦予選
- Ended 37回10秒将棋大会!
- Ended 38回10秒将棋大会
- Ended 10秒総当たり 最強者決定戦 1月3日
- Ended 5時間制10秒総当たり 最強者決定戦
- Ended Official6th CosmOu League 1 groups users with 4 or more steps
- Ended 【4th Renryu Osho Championship】
- Ended 龍鳳戦 〜目指せ200人〜
- Ended ★第2期 迦楼羅戦
- Ended 第一回 サークル対抗団体戦
- Ended 第七期竜馬騎士戦【持駒不使用戦】予選
- Ended Official11th SHOOTING STAR 0min+10sec Non-rated
- Ended 3nd fighting game R 5 minutes + 30 seconds
- Ended REIWA Tourney X (Blue Sky Shogi)
- Ended 2nd☖Static Rook study club☖ Championship
- Ended 第一期 叡星戦
- Ended 第22回早指し10秒大会2020/9/20〜27
- Ended 第一回短洋杯
- Ended Official5th Dark Matter Tournament
- Ended 1st Circle Meijin-Sen
- Ended 【3rd Renryu Osho Championship】
- Ended 3rd Heroes Competition
- Ended A tournament that decides the king of shogi in Aug
- Ended 第1期 玉座戦 賞金の増額しました!
- Ended Official9th SHOOTING STAR 0min+10sec Non-rated
- Ended 10 seconds round robin strongest persondeciding match
- Ended ★獅子王戦☆ A級
- Ended 第4期 降魔戦
- Ended 10 seconds match
- Ended 第六期竜馬騎士戦【持駒不使用戦】 予選
- Ended ★4th Kajiki Cup (7th to 15th grade) 0m-30s R round-robin battle
- Ended ★3rd Ryusho Cup
- Ended REIWA Tourney VII (Blue Sky Shogi)
- Ended ★3rd red sparrow Cup (5th to 15th grade) 30m - 60s R round-robin battle
- Ended Official8th SHOOTING STAR 0min+10sec Non-rated
- Ended REIWA Tourney VII (Blue Sky Shogi)
- Ended Gimhae Battle
- Ended 第三期覇勢戦
- Ended ★The second team match
- Ended ☆第1期「新進棋鋭」☖居飛車研究会☖限定大会
- Ended 10 seconds shogi
- Ended 第一回鬼醒戦 ~気軽に早指し大会~
- Ended 第一回光醸戦
- Ended 第三回四段以下Dマイル戦
- Ended Don't lose the rainy season! Let's enjoy shogi(^^)!
- Ended 第7回早指し10秒大会 2020/05/27 20時~22時
- Ended 10 seconds round robin strongest persondeciding match
- Ended A tournament that decides the king of shogi in May
- Ended 0min+10sec Non-rated
- Ended ★1st red sparrow Cup (5th to 15th grade) 30m - 60s R round-robin battle
- Ended 第5回早指し10秒大会 2020/05/20、21 20時~22時
- Ended REIWA Tourney III (Blue Sky Shogi)
- Ended 第四期竜馬騎士戦【持ち駒不使用戦】
- Ended 1st D-mile championship NR10sec
- Ended 1st Heroes Competition R10min+30sec <Eiketsu-Sen>
- 2 Ended コロナに負けない!
- Ended (三段以上)DマイルA級!
- Ended 3st Kajiki Cup (7th to 15th grade) 0m-30s R round-robin battle
- Ended snowball
- Ended 第22回早指し10秒大会2020/9/20〜27
- Ended 第18回早指し10秒大会2020/8/20 18:00〜22:00