3takuya's Player Information
- 十二神将 (12 Generals) Current (22nd term)
- 冥将 (DarkMatter) (20th term)
- 準新聖 (Semi-New Holy) (第9期準新聖)
- 希桜三帝 (Hope Cherry Blossom Three Emperors) (第14期)
Games to load:
Playing style:
Joining Clubs
- ✥本家将鬼の棋士団✥
- (Owner)
- 王手将棋研究会 (Owner)
- 数学ファイトクラブ (Owner)
- 昇級・昇段を目指す会 (Owner)
- 暇民 (Owner)
- 81知恵袋 (Owner)
- 勉強会
- Invite-only circle
- 数学研究会
- 不戦勝しないどーめい (Owner)
- 勉強できるようになりたい人の会 (Owner)
- Open Official14th term CosmOu Qualifying League-B [2099 and down] 15min+60sec Rated
- Playing 4th Side wolf Battle R 5-30 Rating Handicap match Total Bonus 3000 D miles
- Playing Official22nd term 81Ou League-A 15min+60sec Rated/ Capacity 15 participants (75 days)
- Ended 超・超・超・大大大決算!!!!2024年末9100Dマイル争奪戦!!(優勝者には1000Dマイル!!)
- Playing Official第19期 希桜戦 ~総額5,500Dマイル~ 【クラス別ハンデ戦・持時間変動制】
- Ended クリスマス限定将棋大会
- Ended 【金鯱戦】All Comer "Gold orca" 5min+30sec Rated
- Ended 第二回王手将棋大会
- Ended 第一回10秒将棋選手権 クリスマス前短期決戦!
- Ended 【豹王戦】Cheetah-King Cup 0min+10sec Non-rated
- Playing OfficialThe 23thDark Matter [Handicap by rank] 5min+30sec NR
- Ended One day!!! ~2024~ 10秒将棋 11月15日(金)途中申し込み歓迎!
- Ended One day!!! ~2024~ 10秒将棋 11月13日(水)途中申し込み歓迎!
- Ended 第一回地区選抜将棋大会 中国地区大会 【賞与総額5500Ⅾマイル】NR10‐30
- Ended Dobutsu Cup #3
- Ended 11th Fighting Battle R 5m + 30s The winner gets Fighting(titel)!
- Ended One day!!! ~2024~ 10秒将棋 9月19日(木)途中参加歓迎!
- Ended once 5minutes! Godspeed king decide a battle
- Ended One day!!! ~2024~ 10秒将棋 9月6日(金)途中参加歓迎!
- Ended One day!!! ~2024~ 10秒将棋 9月5日(木)途中申し込み歓迎!
- Ended One day!!! ~2024~ 10秒将棋 9月2日(月)途中申し込み歓迎!
- Ended One day!!! ~2024~ 10秒将棋 8月29日(木)途中参加歓迎!
- Ended One day!!! ~2024~ 10秒将棋 8月30日(金)途中申し込み歓迎!
- Ended OfficialThe 22rdDark Matter [Handicap by rank] 5min+30sec NR
- Ended Official21st term 81Ou League-B 15min+60sec Rated/ Capacity 40 participants (75 days)
- Ended 3rd term Mini-shogi Championship 5min+30sec
- Ended 神速戦 NR0-10トーナメント戦
- Ended Official13th term CosmOu Qualifying League-B [2099 and down] 15min+60sec Rated
- Ended Official24th term Shooting Star
- Playing Official第18期 希桜戦 ~総額5,000Dマイル~ 【クラス別ハンデ戦・持時間変動制】
- Ended 1st Doubutsu Shogi-Ou NR 0-10
- 2 Ended 13th Falcon Cup -60 seconds Shogi Championship- 0min+60sec Non-rated/ Double elimination
- Ended 第一回怪傑戦 順位戦
- Ended 王手将棋大会⭐︎開催期間も参加者募集中
- Ended 2nd Soaring Eagle Cup NR0-10 ~Total Bonus 2500D miles~
- Ended 7th Tensho tournament
- Ended 将棋最強争奪戦
- Ended fan Tourney
- Ended 一番勝った人の優勝!10秒将棋大会!
- Ended 途中参加可 総賞金3200マイル 段位別リーグ 第ニ期 段位別王座戦
- Ended 賞金豪華!第二期超星戦
- Ended 【賞与総額3500マイル】第一期飛旺戦 予選 クラス別ハンデ戦
- Ended 豪華賞金 第一期 持ち駒不使用将棋 変則王将戦 予選
- Ended 【天锻将棋】 第五届青鸾战 甲组
- 2 Ended Phoenix battle
- Ended 6th Tensho tournament
- Ended 第1期韋駄天戦〜総額1250マイル!~
- Ended 第7回 テトリス杯 10分切れ負け
- Ended 6th Unryu Battle NR0-10 - Total bonus 3000D miles
- Ended Official第17期 希桜戦 ~総額5,000Dマイル~ 【クラス別ハンデ戦・持時間変動制】
- Ended Official20th term 81Ou League-B 15min+60sec Rated/ Capacity 40 participants (75 days)
- Ended 第2回 ゴロゴロ将棋 サークル内リーグ戦
- Ended "第12期勇往戦A"(11th term Yuuou-sen) (under 3-Dan: R1949)※Quota: 5 games
- Ended 第2期 奔王戦 NR 0-10【将棋なんでも研究会 タイトル戦】~賞与総額800Dマイル~
- Ended 3rd period Kouki match Dan grade handicap match ~Total amount of 5,000D miles~
- Ended World Amateur Shogi Championship
- 2 Ended 第一回竜磨戦決勝トーナメント
- Ended 切磋琢磨研究会第一回サークル内王者決定戦
- Ended zero
- Ended 3rd seikyo_ cup
- Ended 第1期桜麗戦(クラス別順位戦 総額2400Dマイル)
- Ended 第4期 飛龍戦 本戦 10-30 ~賞与総額3300Dマイル~
- Ended 第1期轟龍戦 NR10-30~賞与総額1500Ⅾマイル~
- Ended 10秒祭り
- Ended 5th Tensho tournament
- Ended 第三回 りんごカップ予選
- Ended 第1期克己戦 〜総額2000Dマイル!〜
- Ended New Holy battle [R1799 and down]
- Ended 1st Soaring Eagle Cup NR0-10 ~Total Bonus 2500D miles~
- Ended OfficialThe 21st Dark Matter [Handicap by rank] 5min+30sec NR
- Ended nekobisha杯
- 2 Ended 第3期 帝将戦〔R0-30 2敗失格決勝トーナメント〕
- Ended 第1期紫電戦
- 2 Ended 12th Falcon Cup -60 seconds Shogi Championship- 0min+60sec NR / Double elimination
- 2 Ended 第4回早指し王
- 2 Ended 第七回名人戦
- Ended Official第16期 希桜戦 ~総額5,000Dマイル~ 【クラス別ハンデ戦・持時間変動制】
- Ended 新年将棋大会 ~2024年も頑張ろう~
- Ended First Raijin Battle
- 2 Ended サークル限定大会
- Ended 第1期海竜戦
- Ended 王手将棋大会
- Ended 10th Fighting Battle R 5m + 30s
- Ended In-circle tournament
- Ended 第1回 ゴロゴロ将棋 サークル内リーグ戦
- Ended Official19th term 81Ou League-B 15min+60sec Rated/ Capacity 30 participants (75 days)
- Ended 第10期勇往戦A"(5th term Yuuou-sen) (under 3-Dan: R1949)※Quota: 5 games
- Ended 2023紅白将棋合戦[総額1500Dマイル][白18紅12]
- Ended 紅白将棋合戦~賞与総額1900dマイル~途中参加大歓迎!!
- 2 Ended Try this tounament
- Ended 4th flying dragon cup R 5-30 ~Bonus total 3300 D-Miles~
- Ended The 1st Kouni Todori CupX
- Ended 5th Unryu Battle NR0-10 - Total bonus 3000D miles
- Ended UTATSU Amusement Park -30 seconds Shogi Festival-/ 0min+30sec Non-rated/ Non-discrimination
- Ended 7 circles' 10 seconds tournament
- Ended 1st invitation-only tournament NR0-10, which is stronger: foreign countries, eastern Japan, or western Japan? Tournament match
- Ended 魔強戦 NR 0−30
- Ended 第4回千思万考大会決勝トーナメントBグループ
- Ended Dobutsu Cup #2
- Ended 第一期 光輝戦 段級位別ハンデ戦 ~総額5,000Dマイル~
- Ended Official10th term AeonSaint 30min+60sec Rated/ Single elimination
- Ended 4th National Children's League ~Total 1100D miles~
- Ended Official12th term CosmOu League-B [R1650 or more]
- Ended OfficialThe 20th Dark Matter [Handicap by rank] 5min+30sec NR
- Ended 第6回 テトリス杯 10分切れ負け
- Ended 6th RAIRYU-OH -30 seconds Shogi Championship- 0min+30sec Rated/ Single eimination
- Ended One day kenkyu1
- Ended どうぶつ将棋一番強いのはだれ?
- Ended 藤井聡太竜王・名人 八冠達成記念大会!
- Ended "第9期勇往戦A"(5th term Yuuou-sen) (under 3-Dan: R1949)※Quota: 5 games
- Ended 第一回仏竜戦
- Ended Official【祝!2024年記念大会】第15期 希桜戦 ~総額5,500Dマイル~ 【クラス別ハンデ戦・持時間変動制】
- Ended 第3回早指し王
- Ended 第1期 奔王戦 NR 0-10【将棋なんでも研究会 タイトル戦】~賞与総額800Dマイル~
- Ended 7サークル限定 1week 将棋トーナメント (10/1 ~ 10/10)
- Ended Grand Champion Battle
- Ended 第二回 叡座戦 合計1000マイル
- Ended 7circle small tournament
- Ended 変則将棋大会
- Ended Official22nd Supernova cup [Limited to Level 1 and below]
- Ended 1st Ryujin Battle
- Ended えいざせん
- Ended 第4回千思万考大会予選 総額2600マイル+タイトル
- Ended The Strongest Battle of the First Period Aimed at the Strongest Tournament Limited to the Association for Seeking the Strongest
- Ended 太陽杯
- Ended One day!!!(第9戦:2023/09/08)新三傑戦 途中参加受付中!
- Ended One day!!!(第7戦:2023/09/05)新三傑戦 途中参加受付中!
- Ended Fun shougi tournament
- Ended 1st East Japan vs West Japan Which is stronger? Group competition! !
- Ended 第2期 永響戦 NR 0-30【将棋なんでも研究会 タイトル戦】~賞与総額500Dマイル~ <プレーオフ>
- Ended One day!!!(第6戦:2023/09/1)新三傑戦
- Ended One day!!!(第5戦:2023/08/30)新三傑戦 途中参加受付中!
- Ended One day!!!(第3戦:2023/08/25)新三傑戦
- Ended One day!!!(第4戦:2023/08/29)新三傑戦 途中参加受付中!
- Ended 1200 ttourney
- 2 Ended Fun shougi tournament
- Ended 第1期最強を目指す会限定大会 棋竜戦
- Ended welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Ended 4th Unryu Battle NR0-10 - Total bonus 3000D miles
- Ended Official23rd term Shooting Star
- Ended 10秒将棋 One day!!! 8月19日(土) (5日目)
- Ended New Holy battle [R1799 and down]
- Ended 第3期雷遜戦 NR0-10 賞金総額1500Dマイル
- Ended once 5minutes! Godspeed king decide a battle
- Ended 81順位戦4組
- Ended 9th. Tournament restricted within the Circle "初段を目指す会" - ZERO〔Preliminary Stage〕
- Ended OfficialThe 19th Dark Matter [Handicap by rank] 5min+30sec NR
- Ended 10秒将棋 One day!!! 8月18日(4日目)
- Ended 10秒将棋 One day!!! 8月17日(3日目)
- Ended 10秒将棋 One day!!!
- 2 Ended First shogi wars
- Ended Official18th term 81Ou League-B 15min+60sec Rated/ Capacity 30 participants (75 days)
- Ended 2nd Early Pointing Tournament
- Ended 第3期 帝将戦 [R0-30予選トーナメント]
- Ended 第3期 飛龍戦 本戦 ~賞与総額3300Dマイル~
- Ended First shogi wars
- Ended Shogi Ladder Week 164
- Ended 10秒将棋大会
- Ended 3rd cloud eagle cup NR 0-30 ~Bonus total 1800 D miles~
- Playing
- Ended Official第14期 希桜戦 ~総額5,000Dマイル~ 【クラス別ハンデ戦・持時間変動制】
- Ended 2023夏休み大会
- Ended The first shogi fun summer vaction tournament
- Ended The 2nd three-man flying car for circle time-
- Ended 第8期勇往戦A(5th term Yuuou-sen) (under 3-Dan: R1949)※Quota: 5 games
- Ended welcome!!!!!!!!!!
- Ended Resarch time competion of there-man flying cars
- 2 Ended 第2期 獅鷹戦 挑戦者決定トーナメント NR 10-60【将棋なんでも研究会 タイトル戦】~賞与総額1000Dマイル~
- Ended 【天锻将棋】 第四届青鸾战 丙组
- Ended 第2期雷遜戦 NR0-10 賞金総額1500Dマイル
- Ended once 5minutes! Godspeed king decide a battle
- Ended 第一回京都将棋杯
- Ended 第2期永響戦 予選
- 2 Ended Fun shougi tournament
- Ended 第2回早指し王【総額900Dマイル・持時間変動制】
- Ended 2nd National Children's League ~1100 D miles in total~
- Ended 3rd Open Tournament CNS Brasil - 2023
- Ended Ludicrous Speed Bullet Shogi [R1099 and up] 0min+10sec Non Rated
- 2 Ended 11th Falcon Cup -60 seconds Shogi Championship- 0min+60sec NR / Double elimination
- Ended 青空将棋大会
- Ended Tourney
- Ended Dobutsu Cup #1
- 2 Ended 4~8月王(セミファイナル、ファイナル)
- Ended Shogi Ladder Week 152
- Ended サークル内第2期叡王戦
- Ended meeting of the Fierce
- Ended 夏R大会
- Ended 早指し大会!
- Ended 超将戦
- Ended newplay
- Ended Official22nd term Shooting Star
- Ended 第2期 猫刄戦 NR 0-60【将棋なんでも研究会 タイトル戦】~予選~
- Ended hayazasiou
- Ended 第1回燕羽戦 [2サークル合同大会]~総額1000Dマイル~
- Ended 第1回名将戦
- Ended 第1回早指し王
- Ended 3rd flying dragon cup [Variable time limit system] ~Bonus total 3300 D-Miles~
- Ended once 5minutes! Godspeed king decide a battle
- Ended 4~8月王
- Ended "第7期勇往戦A"(5th term Yuuou-sen) (under 3-Dan: R1949)※Quota: 5 games
- Ended 第一期長考戦
- Ended 穴熊党決定戦
- Ended 第五回四段以下Ⅾマイル戦総額2500Ⅾマイル
- Ended 第一期集中戦
- Ended 第六回名人戦
- Ended 3nd Unryu Battle NR0-10 ~Total 3000D Miles~
- Ended Kyiv Shogi Open - 2023
- Ended Official第13期 希桜戦 ~総額5,000Dマイル~ 【クラス別ハンデ戦・持時間変動制】
- Ended Official17th term 81Ou League-C 15min+60sec Rated/ No capacity limit (75 days)
- Ended 第1期雷遜戦 NR0-10 賞金総額1500Dマイル
- Ended 第5回 テトリス杯 10分切れ負け
- Ended 第二回王手将棋大会
- Ended 第五期昇龍戦~賞金総額2600Dマイル~
- Ended 第三期光輝戦 決勝トーナメント決勝戦
- Ended 第三期光輝戦 決勝トーナメント準決勝戦
- Ended 第二期 光輝戦 決勝戦
- Ended 第二期 光輝戦 準決勝戦
- Ended 3rd period Kouki match Dan grade handicap match ~Total amount of 5,000D miles~
- Ended 第一期光輝戦 決勝戦
- Ended 10秒祭り
- Ended 1hour 3/24 8:00~9:00
- Ended welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Ended 第一期 光輝戦 一位挑戦者決定戦
- Ended 王手将棋大会
- Ended 第四期昇龍戦総額??? (1 hours)
- Ended とりあえず10秒
- 2 Ended Try this tounament
- Ended 第一期 光輝戦 段級位別ハンデ戦 ~総額5,000Dマイル~
- Ended
- Ended 編集ミス
- Ended 金曜レーティング
- Ended It's mine!
- Ended 1st Suzakuou - [4th Dan and below limited tournament]〈0m30s NR〉
- Ended One day!!!(第11戦:2023/09/22)新三傑戦
- Ended one day
- Ended 轟杯 本選
- Ended 第4回将棋部部活
- Ended 10秒戦 夏休みは将棋で締めくくろう!
- Ended 第三回将棋部部活
- Ended 第2回将棋部部活
- Ended welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- 2 Ended 1手10秒未満の大会 2敗失格トーナメント
- Ended 1st 10 Second Animal Shogi Tournament
- Ended 1st East Japan vs West Japan Which is stronger? Group competition! !
- Ended summer vacation tourney
- Ended 1st Imperial Battle
- Ended Tourney
- Ended TODOROKI Tourney! practice game
- Ended Tourney
- Ended newplay
- Ended hayazasiou