asamizuki's Player Information
- 十二神将 (12 Generals) (18th term)
Games to load:
Playing style:
Joining Clubs
- Ended Official18th term 81Ou League-A 15min+60sec Rated/ Capacity 13 participants (75 days)
- Ended 1st Imperial Battle
- Ended Official第14期 希桜戦 ~総額5,000Dマイル~ 【クラス別ハンデ戦・持時間変動制】
- Ended Official17th term 81Ou League-B 15min+60sec Rated/ Capacity 30 participants (75 days)
- Ended Official第13期 希桜戦 ~総額5,000Dマイル~ 【クラス別ハンデ戦・持時間変動制】
- Ended 2nd cloud eagle cup NR 0-30 ~Bonus total 1800 D miles~
- Ended ★5th Vermilion Bird Cup [30 minutes + 60 seconds R]
- Ended ★6th Marlin Cup [30 seconds Shogi championship] 0 minutes + 30 seconds R
- Ended 2nd flying dragon cup [Variable time limit system] ~Bonus total 3300 D miles~
- Ended Official16th term 81Ou League-C 15min+60sec Rated/ No capacity limit (75 days)
- Ended 総額1000マイルまであり! 早指しオープン戦その弐
- Ended Official第12期 希桜戦 ~総額5,000Dマイル~ 【クラス別ハンデ戦・持時間変動制】
- Ended 9th Fighting Battle R 5m + 30s The winner gets Fighter(titel)!
- Ended 第1回 雲鷲戦 NR 0-30 ~賞与総額1100Dマイル~
- Ended 2022-2023 Winter Break
- Ended 1st Side Wolf Battle NR 5-30 Total Bonus 3100 D miles
- Ended 2023 Happy New Year Tournament!
- Ended Official【祝!2023年記念大会】第11期 希桜戦 ~総額5,500Dマイル~ 【クラス別ハンデ戦・持時間変動制】
- Ended 8th Fighting Battle R 5m + 30s The winner gets Fighter(titel)!
- Ended 3rd Circle Meijin
- Ended 9th Saint Cup
- Ended 1st ~ The winning probability of the rankers (kyuu) is up to 5.22 times! ~ Shogi Tournament with Handicap Points <A total of 3000 D miles for prize money!
- Ended 第1回最強相振りマン決定戦
- Ended 第1回最強相掛かりマン決定戦
- Ended 第7回10分+30秒将棋大会!賞金2500マイル!
- Ended 第1期いちごチャレンジ杯淡雪戦予選リーグ <リーグ内段位別>
- Ended 4th Fighting Cup R 5 minutes + 30 seconds Promoted to the title! You are welcome to join us on the way!
- Ended [Official Sapporting Title match]Best cLass Winner MEIJIN Tournamy-Third season-A group
- Ended Official8th term CosmOu League 2 set R1500-R1949
- Ended 第11期覇勢戦
- Ended 楽しく!(^^)!何でも研究会 第六期名龍戦予選
- Ended 7th Shogi Study Group Only Tournament
- Ended 第2回10分+30秒大会 総額3000マイル! 途中参加受付中
- Ended Official7term CosmOu League 2 set R1500-R1949
- Ended 第1回星雲戦
- Ended 第1回 10分+30秒大会!総額2000Dマイル! 途中参加受付中
- Ended 春渓戦 ~春休み記念大会! 総額3150D‼ 棋力関係なく入賞できます ~
- Ended 第3回 4サークル限定研究会
- Ended 10th Heroes Competition
- Ended 6 th Saint Cup
- Ended 第一回魁皇戦・有明戦
- Ended 第2回 4サークル限定研究会
- Ended 9th Heroes Competition
- Ended 楽しく!(^^)!何でも研究会 王者戦! 第二期
- Ended 第1回2021年2月最強決定戦
- Ended 【第三期鱏王戦】 三段以下総当たり戦 【閉幕】
- Ended Circle-Meijin
- Ended The 5th Shogi Study Group Limited Tournament
- Ended World Master Championship 2021
- Ended The 2nd Throne Battle!
- Ended 5分30秒トーナメント 第1回鬼滅記念
- Ended 第9期覇勢戦
- Ended 将棋大会
- Ended 8th Heroes Competition
- Ended 5時間制10秒総当たり 最強者決定戦
- Ended Let's do our best from New Year's Day! A fun shogi tournament with everyone!
- Ended Official6th CosmOu League 2 groups 3rd to 1st stage users
- Ended 4nd Shogi Study Group Limited Tournament
- Ended クリスマス限定10秒大会!
- Ended ★4th Ryusho Cup
- Ended お正月記念大会最強戦
- 2 Ended World's Strongest Championship Qualifying League Dolphin cup
- Ended サークル交流の巻 トーナメント
- Ended ★4th red sparrow Cup (5th to 15th grade) 30m - 60s R round-robin battle
- Ended 4st Tennou Wars(天王戦) 0min+10sec NR☆
- Ended [Top Shougi Match] Shin Ryu
- 2 Ended 楽しく練習対局3!
- Ended ★紅白将棋合戦 ~2020忘年・2021新春記念大会~
- Ended 第一回 目指せ初優勝!将棋の大会
- Ended 第一回 皇神杯
- Ended 5th Heroes Competition
- Ended サークル交流の巻 リーグ戦
- Ended 3nd fighting game R 5 minutes + 30 seconds
- Ended 第一期玄武杯
- Ended 第四期金海戦
- Ended 第六期覇勢戦
- Ended 第一回 サークル対抗団体戦
- Ended 4th Heroes Competition
- Ended 第一回 神鷹戦
- Ended 1st Circle Meijin-Sen
- Ended 第1期 玉座戦 賞金の増額しました!
- Ended なんでも研究会 第三期名龍戦予選
- Ended 1st Circle Tourney
- Ended The first class tournament A
- Ended 4th Saint Cup
- Ended A tournament that decides the king of shogi in Jul
- Ended 第二期金海戦
- Ended 第四期覇勢戦
- Ended 1st Milky Way Championship NR10min+30sec
- Ended The first everyone enjoy shogi tournament!
- Ended 10 seconds shogi
- Ended 第一回早指し10秒大会!
- Ended 2nd Shogi Study Group Limited Tournament
- Ended Gimhae Battle
- Ended 1st fighting gameR 5 minutes + 30 seconds
- Ended 10 seconds shogi
- Ended 1nd glory battle
- Ended 2nd D-mile championship
- Ended 2nd Heroes Competition
- Ended 3時間制10秒大会 6月6日 9時~12時
- Ended 第一回光醸戦
- Ended Byakko Cup in preparation
- Ended Official8th SHOOTING STAR 0min+10sec Non-rated
- Ended 第三回四段以下Dマイル戦
- Ended 優駿奔馬(仮) [勝点想定倍率方式] 10分+30秒 NR ☆試行大会☆
- Ended 第三期覇勢戦
- Ended 2020 1st Rainy Sky Competition NR5min+30sec
- Ended 10 seconds round robin strongest persondeciding match
- Ended レート対局!
- Ended 第一期 帝王戦
- Ended Let's have a relaxing time.Practice Game
- Ended 第2回 Dマイルをためたい方向けの、将棋大会。
- Ended 1st D-mile championship NR10sec
- Ended Bishop exchange only Aragyo tournament
- Ended ★なんでも研究会 第ニ期名龍戦予選
- Ended トーナメント戦!賞金あり!~練習対局~
- Ended 第5回早指し10秒大会 2020/05/20、21 20時~22時
- 2 Ended 第1回毘沙門天戦決勝
- Ended A tournament that decides the king of shogi in Jun
- Ended 第4回早指し10秒大会 2020/05/16 20:00 ~ 22:00!
- Ended 1st Heroes Competition R10min+30sec <Eiketsu-Sen>
- Ended コロナウイルスに負けるな! 誰でも参加okです。
- Ended ★なんでも研究会 第一期名龍戦
- Ended A tournament that decides the king of shogi in May
- 2 Ended 五虎大将決定戦
- Ended The koinobori-fish tournament
- Ended 駒落ち大会
- Ended 第1回最強戦 初段以上大会
- Ended ★第2回 龍将盃{七段~15級}10分ー30秒R(勝ち抜きトーナメント) -3th連龍王将戦トライアル
- Ended 第一回四段以下Dマイル戦
- Ended 第一期覇勢戦
- Ended 3st Kajiki Cup (7th to 15th grade) 0m-30s R round-robin battle
- Ended 3st Brave Bird Cup (7th to 15th grade) 15m - 60s R round-robin battle
- 2 Ended Official4th-term CosmOu 10min+30sec Rated/ Double elimination ☆Experimental Competitions☆
- Ended 1DAY(第10戦:2020/04/19)三傑戦
- Ended 3rd Saint Cup
- Ended 春休みのんびり記念大会
- Ended ★1st red sparrow Cup (5th to 15th grade) 15m - 60s R round-robin battle
- Ended 1DAY(第7戦:2020/04/11)三傑戦
- Ended 源王大会 最強は誰だ? ~早指し練習対局~
- Ended 1st Bishamontensen Qualifier
- Ended 1DAY(第6戦:2020/03/21)三傑戦
- Ended 1DAY(第4戦:2020/02/15)三傑戦
- Ended Official5th SHOOTING STAR 0min+10sec Non-rated
- Ended 第1期 迦楼羅戦
- Ended ★18th Cheetah running at full speed Cup 0min+10sec NR
- Ended 1DAY(第3戦:2020/01/18)三傑戦
- Ended 2nd Saint Cup
- Ended ビリヤード杯
- Ended Thanks to 150 Competitions 15min+60sec Non-rated
- Ended 1st Brave Bird Cup (7th to 15th grade) 15m - 60s R round-robin battle
- Ended 10 seconds competition
- Ended ✰17th Cheetah running at full speed Cup 0min+10sec Non-rated
- Ended 第二期竜馬騎士戦【持ち駒不使用】
- Ended 第1回 水曜夜の30秒将棋大会
- Ended 第2期 降魔戦【居玉限定】
- Ended セブン杯
- Ended 第1期 竜馬騎士戦【持ち駒不使用将棋】
- Ended 1DAY(第1戦:2019/11/30)三傑戦
- Ended 1st Marlin Cup (7th to 15th grade) 0 minutes - 30 seconds R round-robin battle
- Ended 10th Wild Boar, Rush and go straight ! [R1999 and down] 10min+30sec Rated
- Ended ★4th All Comer [Gold orca] 5min+30sec Rated/ Trial RAIRYU-sen
- Ended 1st Futari no Taisei Battle
- Ended ファイブ杯
- 2 Ended 氷上戦
- Ended 【第二期鱏王戦】 三段以下総当たり戦 【閉幕】
- Ended 1st Saint Cup
- Ended 2020 Dマイル争奪トーナメント 10分+30秒 R
- Ended 2020 Dマイル争奪リーグ 10分+30秒 R
- Ended 9th Wild Boar, Rush and go straight ! [U-R1999] 10min+30sec Rated
- Ended 3rd All Comer [Gold orca] -Trial RAIRYU B- 5min+30sec Rated
- Ended 2019 RAIRYU WORLD CUP 10min+30sec Rated
- Ended 2nd Giraffe Cup Qualifying
- Ended 16th Cheetah running at full speed Cup 0min+10sec Non-rated
- Ended shogi_man cup
- Ended 15th Cheetah running at full speed Cup 0min+10sec Non-rated
- Ended 8th Wild Boar, Rush and go straight ! [U-R1999] 10min-30sec Rated
- Ended 竜王戦
- Ended 14th Cheetah running at full speed Cup 0min-10sec NR
- Ended 四季の将棋大会~初夏の新緑~
- Ended sinnreiwataikai
- Ended 1st -RAIRYU B Trial- All Comer [Gold orca] 5min-30sec Rated
- Ended Torneo Bala Club Shogi Jaguares
- Ended 天歳杯
- Ended 1st Zeal Cup in 81 Dojo
- Ended Best cLass winner Meijin
- Ended 7th Wild Boar, Rush and go straight ! [R1999-1300] 10min-30sec Rated
- Ended 第4期天龍戦 (龍聖戦の予選のみの大会)