tomokioo's Player Information
- 英将 (EISHO) Current (第17期)
- 英知 (EICHI) (第16期)
- 英将 (EISHO) (第14期)
Games to load:
Playing style:
Joining Clubs
- 将棋の森
- 初段を目指す会
- ☖振り飛車を楽しむ会☖ ☖Swinging Rook Enjoy Group☖
- クイズ愛好家サークル
- 将棋大好きサークル Circle for shogi lovers!
- 変則将棋大研究! 大会で有利になる! Ⅾマイルたまる!
- ただの将棋研究会
- 楽しく!(^^)!何でも研究会☆Enjoy!(^^)!Anything study club
- プロ棋士を目指す研究会(楽しく) (^_^)
- 楽しく!! オールラウンダーになろう!
- 棋広会
- 新定跡・新戦法を作っちゃおうぜ!\(^o^)/の会
- ⭕️四人将棋サークル in 81道場 4Player shogi circle in 81 dojo
- 四人将棋 愛好家サークル Yonin Shogi The Lovers' Circle +α
- 小中学生仲良しの会 Meeting of elementary and junior high school students
- 振り飛車研究所
- 居飛車研究所
- 多趣味もしくは趣味を増やしたい会
- おおーーーーー
- 将棋の道は一日にして成らず
- 麻雀愛好家サークル
- 将棋研究会
- 迷走サークル!(マシなの思いつき次第、題名変更します)
- 三間飛車党の集い
- poppcorn81のサークル+α
- ☗ 81道場で五級位上昇を目指す会 (5JK) ☖ Aiming at the Rise in the Fifth Kyu
- R2000を目指しましょう!
- 7サークル合同研究会 運営委員会
- 9マス将棋研究所
- Hidetchi様(81Dojo席主)を応援する会(^^♪ !一致団結!
- ⚾プロ野球スピリッツA⚾ 同好会
- Ended 3rd period Kouki match Dan grade handicap match ~Total amount of 5,000D miles~
- Ended 9th. Tournament restricted within the Circle "初段を目指す会" - ZERO〔Preliminary Stage〕
- Ended 4th Unryu Battle NR0-10 - Total bonus 3000D miles
- Ended New Holy battle [R1799 and down]
- Ended 1st East Japan vs West Japan Which is stronger? Group competition! !
- Ended 第22回 初段を目指す会限定大会【予選】
- Ended 3rd flying dragon cup [Variable time limit system] ~Bonus total 3300 D-Miles~
- Ended Official22nd term Shooting Star
- Ended Official17th term 81Ou League-C 15min+60sec Rated/ No capacity limit (75 days)
- Ended 2nd flying dragon cup [Variable time limit system] ~Bonus total 3300 D miles~
- Ended 総額1000マイルまであり! 早指しオープン戦その弐
- Ended Official第12期 希桜戦 ~総額5,000Dマイル~ 【クラス別ハンデ戦・持時間変動制】
- Ended Official16th term 81Ou League-C 15min+60sec Rated/ No capacity limit (75 days)
- Ended 第1期 飛龍戦【持ち時間変動制】~賞与総額3300Dマイル~
- Ended 第20回 初段を目指す会限定大会【予選】
- Ended 総額600~1000マイル!早指しオープン戦 ~壱~
- Ended 8th Fighting Battle R 5m + 30s The winner gets Fighter(titel)!
- Ended Official【記念大会】第10期 希桜戦 ~総額5,500Dマイル~ 【クラス別ハンデ戦・持時間変動制】
- Ended 第1期 帝将戦〔R0-30トーナメント〕
- Ended 10th term Meiryu Cup Qualifying league
- Ended OfficialThe 19th Super Nova [R1499 and down] 15min+60sec Rated
- Ended Official17th Heroes Cup Final
- Ended 第2回竜英戦
- Ended Official15th term 81Ou League-B 15min+60sec Rated/ Capacity 30 participants (75 days)
- Ended 第4期勇往戦A(4th term Yuuou-sen) (under 3-Dan: R1949)※Quota: 5 games
- Ended 6th. Tournament restricted within the Circle "初段を目指す会" - ZERO〔Preliminary Stage〕
- Ended Enjoy!(^^)!Anything study club 8th term King Cup
- Ended 第一回東西将棋合戦決勝トーナメント
- Ended R2000限定大会 自由対局編
- Ended R2000限定大会チーム戦
- Ended 7th Fighting Battle R 5m + 30s The winner gets Fighter(titel)!
- Ended 4th Enjoy!(^^)!Anything study club Fun Tournament~The first one to P+ wins.~
- Ended [Winning prize 1000D] Summer vacation commemoration! 10 seconds tournament
- Ended 第4期いちごチャレンジ杯淡雪戦 15分60秒NR
- Ended Official17th Heroes Cup Qualifying 10min+30sec Rated
- Ended 第四回最強者戦(予選)
- Ended 第72回 7サークル合同研究会
- Ended Official20th term Shooting Star NR0-10
- Ended OfficialThe 18th SuperNova [R1499 and down] 15min+60sec
- 2 Ended 第十八期 五級位上昇を目指す会 棋王戦
- Ended 第3回蒼鷹戦 予選 〜〜段位別リーグ戦〜〜
- Ended 第19回 初段を目指す会限定大会【予選】
- Ended Official9th Aeon Saint [Long Thought Shogi Tournament] 30 minutes + 60 seconds Shogi Tournament
- Ended Enjoy!(^^)!Anything study club 7th term King Cup
- Ended 第一回東西将棋合戦予選
- Ended 第69回 7サークル合同研究会
- Ended Official11th term CosmOu League-C [R1499 or less]
- Ended 2nd the Shine Crown Cup Qualifying
- Ended Official16th Heroes Cup Final
- Ended 第68回 7サークル合同研究会
- Ended 第3期勇往戦A(3rd term Yuuou-sen) (under 3-Dan: R1949)※Quota: 5 games
- Ended 9th team Meiryu Cup Qualifying league
- 2 Ended 10th Falcon Cup -60 seconds Shogi Championship- [R2299 and down] 0min+60sec NR / Double elimination
- Ended 第6回一期一会杯団体戦
- Ended 6th Fighting Battle R 5 minutes + 30 seconds The winner gets Fighter(titel)! You are welcome to join us on the way!
- Ended 4th Circle Meijin
- Ended OfficialThe 17th Super Nova [R1499 and down] 15min+60sec
- Ended Official14th term 81Ou League-C 15min+60sec Rated/ Capacity 30 participants (75 days)
- Ended Official16th Heroes Cup Qualifying 10min+30sec Rated
- Ended 第3期いちごチャレンジ杯淡雪戦 <リーグ内段位別> 15分60秒NR
- Ended 5th. Tournament restricted within the Circle "初段を目指す会" - ZERO〔Preliminary Stage〕
- Ended Enjoy!(^^)!Anything study club 6th King Cup
- Ended Enjoy!(^^)!Anything study club 3rd Enjoy Cup Anomalous Shogi Tournament
- Ended 第7期 希桜戦 ~総額5,000Dマイル~ 【クラス別ハンデ戦・持時間変動制】
- Ended 2nd Milky Way Championship NR5min+30sec
- Ended Enjoy!(^^)!Anything study club 8th Meiryu Cup Final
- Ended Official15th Heroes Cup Final
- Ended Gale battle
- Ended Official10th term CosmOu League-B [MAX-R1999 and down] 15min+60sec Rated
- Ended kyousen hai
- Ended Official16th Super Nova [R1499 and down] 15min+60sec Rated
- Ended 第6期 希桜戦 ~総額5,000Dマイル~ 【クラス別ハンデ戦・持時間変動制】
- Ended 第十八期 五級位上昇を目指す会 王座戦
- Ended Enjoy!(^^)!Anything study club 8th Meiryu Cup qualifier
- Ended R2000サークル限定大会 総額3000マイルです!
- Ended 新戦法最強決定戦 第参回
- Ended 第18回 初段を目指す会限定大会【予選】
- Ended 第4回 初段を目指す会限定大会 ZERO 決勝トーナメント
- Ended championship tournament
- Ended 第1期10秒王決定戦
- Ended Seasonal War ~ Spring Cold Charges Volume ~
- Ended 1DAY(第48戦:2022/02/04)三傑戦
- Ended Official13th Dark Matter 5 min + 30 sec NR
- Ended REIWA Cup XXVI
- Ended 5th Fighting Cup R 5 minutes + 30 seconds The winner gets Fighter(titel)! You are welcome to join us on the way!
- Ended 第5期 楽しく!(^^)!何でも研究会 王者戦
- Ended Official17th term Shooting Star NR 0-10
- Ended 第3回一期一会杯団体戦
- Ended Official7th term Renza League-B [MAX-R1999 and down] 10min+30sec Rated
- Ended Official15th Heroes Cup Qualifying 10min+30sec Rated
- Ended 4th Ryujin Battle-Prize 4000 miles! ~ There is also a rank award
- Ended 9th Reikyo Cup
- Ended サークル親善大会
- Ended 10th Saint Cup
- Ended 1st Rinsei Cup Qualifuing
- Ended 第2回一期一会杯団体戦
- Ended [Win / loss is decided by the number of games]Rainbow match
- Ended 第8回10+30秒大会!総額2500マイル!途中参加受付中!
- Ended Official13th term 81Ou League-C 15min+60sec Rated/ No capacity limit (75 days)
- Ended poppcorn81's Last Shogi Tournament ~ Thank you for participate end! ~
- Ended Official15th Super Nova [R1499 and down] 15min+60sec Rated
- Ended 18th Aiming at the Rise in the Fifth Kyu KISEI sen
- Ended 第5期 希桜戦 ~総額5,000Dマイル~ 【クラス別ハンデ戦・持時間変動制】
- Ended snowball
- Ended 1st Saikan Cup Final
- Ended 楽しく!(^^)!何でも研究会 第七期名龍戦本戦
- Ended 3rd Circle Meijin
- Ended 14th Heroes Cup Final
- Ended 2022 Happy New Year Tournament
- Ended We love shogi! Winter Vacation Tourney!!!
- Ended REIWA Cup XXIV (Blue Sky Shogi)
- Ended 4th. Tournament restricted within the Circle "初段を目指す会" - ZERO〔Preliminary Stage〕
- Ended Official7th Aeon Saint [Long Thought Shogi Tournament] 30 minutes + 60 seconds Shogi Tournament
- Ended 第2期いちごチャレンジ杯淡雪戦<リーグ内段位別> 15分60秒NR
- Ended 第二回楽しく何でも研究会お楽しみ大会「詰ましたら負け入玉将棋の部」
- Ended 2021 End-of-year Tournament
- Ended 第4期 希桜戦 ~総額5,000Dマイル~ 【クラス別ハンデ戦・持時間変動制】
- Ended 第1期勇往戦A(1st term Yuuou-sen) (1Dan - 3Dan : R1500-R1949)
- Ended 1DAY(第40戦:2021/11/28)三傑戦
- Ended 第1回新・1位争奪杯
- Ended 第43回 6サークル限定研究会
- Ended Official16th term Shooting Star NR 0-10
- Ended 楽しく!(^^)!何でも研究会 第七期名龍戦予戦
- Ended First Half Endurance Race Tournament in 2022
- Ended 6nd New Holy battle[2dan or lower league](non-Japanese players are also welcomed!)
- Ended Official9th term CosmOu League-B [MAX-R1999 and down] 15min+60sec Rated
- Ended 14th Heroes Cup
- Ended 秋王戦(予選)
- 2 Ended 第十七期 五級位上昇を目指す会 竜王戦【予選】
- Ended 9th Saint Cup
- Ended 第40回 6サークル限定研究会
- Ended Midwinter Shogi Tournament 15th to 7th Dan
- Ended 第2回 テトリス杯 10分切れ負け
- Ended 1st Saikan Cup Qualifying league
- Ended 第壱回 仙人戦 総当たり戦 15分+30秒 NR
- Ended REIWA Cup XXIII (Blue Sky Shogi)
- Ended 第3期 希桜戦 ~総額5,000Dマイル~ 【クラス別ハンデ戦・持時間変動制】
- Ended 第6回 10分+30秒大会!総額1000Dマイル! 50人参加を目指してます!
- Ended 第7回10分+30秒将棋大会!賞金2500マイル!
- Ended 第34回 5サークル限定研究会
- Ended 1st 3 minutes losing tournament
- Ended Let’s GOROGORO
- Ended 季月戦 ~秋冷の陣~ (1週間10秒将棋大会)
- Ended Official15th term Shooting Star NR 0-10
- Ended Official12th term 81Ou League-C 15min+60sec Rated/ No capacity limit (75 days)
- Ended 4th Fighting Cup R 5 minutes + 30 seconds Promoted to the title! You are welcome to join us on the way!
- Ended REIWA Cup XXII (Blue Sky Shogi)
- Ended gensui
- Ended 第1期いちごチャレンジ杯淡雪戦予選リーグ <リーグ内段位別>
- Ended 第33回 5サークル限定研究会
- Ended 13th Heroes Cup
- Ended 第一期天轟将魂戦予選
- Ended 1st Reikyo Cup
- Ended 第32回 5サークル限定研究会
- Ended RUN&GUN
- Ended 第31回 5サークル限定研究会
- Ended DoragonGOD
- Ended REIWA Cup XXI (Blue Sky Shogi)
- Ended 12th Eiji Battle <Final>
- Ended 第30回 5サークル限定研究会
- Ended 四間飛車王決定戦
- Ended 3rd. Tournament restricted within the Circle "初段を目指す会" - ZERO〔Preliminary Stage〕
- Ended 第28回 5サークル限定研究会
- Ended 第2期 希桜戦 【クラス別ハンデ戦・持時間変動制】~総額5,000Dマイル~
- Ended Official8th team Cosm Ou League 3set R1499 and down
- Ended 夏だ! 祭りだ! 大会だ! ☆将棋好きの夏休み☆
- Ended 第一回楽しく!(^^)!何でも研究会お楽しみ大会「取る一手将棋の部」
- Ended 第4期 楽しく!(^^)!何でも研究会 王者戦
- Ended The Best of the New Senso Tournament - Part 2
- Ended 12th Eiji Battle <Qualifying by rank in the tournament>
- Ended REIWA Cup XX (Blue Sky Shogi)
- Ended 1st Ryora Cup preliminary tournament
- Ended First Sun King C class NR 0-10 ∞ fixed members
- Ended 今年度お疲れ様でした大会延長戦
- Ended 11th Heroes Battle <2nd dan or less qualifying>
- Ended Doragon・2
- Ended 第一期天籟戦 パラマス式トーナメントR5-30
- Ended 第一期 絢爛戦 ~楽しく王手将棋!~
- Ended SAMIDARE 10sec
- Ended 2nd. Tournament restricted within the Circle "初段を目指す会" - ZERO〔Preliminary Stage〕
- Ended You win if you make Tokin
- Ended なんでも研究会 第五期名龍戦予選
- Ended 第3期 太極戦【京都将棋】
- Ended 第一回 「オールラウンダーになろう」サークルの研究会のための大会 ~いろいろな戦法を試そう!~
- Ended 第10回 4サークル限定研究会
- Ended 第1回 テトリス杯 10分切れ負け
- Ended 第一期 達人戦 !<オープンリーグ戦> ~ 本戦と合わせて4595Dマイル!
- Ended 1st discerning eye tournament
- Ended 第1期龍座戦目指せ50人
- Ended 1st Kouou-Sen 5min+10sec NR
- Ended 第9回 4サークル限定研究会
- Ended 第一回どうぶつ将棋トーナメント
- Ended 第一回明星戦~優勝者には400Dマイル~
- Ended 2nd 30sec shogi tournament NR 0-30
- Ended DoragonGOD
- Ended 第1回星雲戦
- Ended 変則大会
- Ended 第46回10秒将棋大会!
- Ended 第1回 10分+30秒大会!総額2000Dマイル! 途中参加受付中
- Ended (11~1級)トーナメント戦 第一回
- Ended REIWA Cup XVI (Blue Sky Shogi)
- Ended 第二期 豪竜戦 <桂馬取将棋> 予選 特殊ルールのため、棋力関係なく入賞できます!
- Ended 楽しい大会2
- Ended Shifter: Kyoto Shogi (1 week game)
- Ended 早指し 10秒将棋大会
- Ended 第1回早指し王決定戦
- Ended 10 minutes 30 seconds Shogi exchange game! The total number of points ranked is doubled!
- Ended 峰聖戦 ~ 特殊ルール 成駒で駒をとってはいけない!? 棋力関係なく入賞できます! ~
- Ended Official10th term 81Ou League-C 15min+60sec Rated/ No capacity limit (90 days)
- Ended 3nd fighting game The total prize money is 2680D! This tourney is open to all.
- Ended HASEI
- Ended 速神戦
- Ended daiikkiryumeisenn
- Playing 第一期金龍戦
- Ended 駒を成ってはいけない将棋
- Ended 第一期 豪竜戦 <持駒枚数制限将棋> ~駒台にを4枚までしかのってはいけない?~
- Ended 10th Heroes Competition
- Ended Dragon God
- Ended 第15回 初段を目指す会限定大会【予選】
- Ended REIWA Cup XV (Blue Sky Shogi)
- Ended 第1回 初段を目指す会限定大会 ZERO 決勝トーナメント
- Ended Official10th Super Nova [R1499 and down] 15min+60sec Rated
- Ended 第一回魁皇戦・有明戦
- Ended The 45th 10-second Shogi Tournament! ~ Complete digestion ~
- Ended 爆力10秒戦!!。トーナメント!!。2
- Ended ちゃんと考えて指してみよう!どうぶつ将棋~
- Ended 駒が成れるとき成らなくてはいけない!? 歩が取れるときは取らなくてはいけない⁉
- Ended 馬を作ったら勝ち⁉ ドカンと一発逆転!
- 2 Ended 輪廻転生
- Ended 4nd New Holy battle[2dan or lower league](non-Japanese players are also welcomed!)
- Ended Official13th SHOOTING STAR 0min+10sec Non-rated
- 2 Ended 将棋の森サークル交流戦
- Ended 今年度お疲れ様でした大会
- Ended REIWA Cup XIV (Blue Sky Shogi)
- 2 Ended 交流戦(がんばろう、目指せ初段)
- Ended Official9th SuperNova [R1499 and down] 15min+60sec Rated
- Ended Official6th CosmOu League 3 groups of users of 1st grade or lower
- Ended Official8th Dark Matter Tournament
- Ended 1st time Dragon star assembly
- Ended 新年おめでとう 今年もよろしく記念大会!!
- Ended 1st. Tournament restricted within the Circle "初段を目指す会" - ZERO〔Preliminary Stage〕
- Ended REIWA Cup XIII (Blue Sky Shogi)
- Ended 鬼神戦
- Ended REIWA Tourney XII (Blue Sky Shogi)
- Ended 第1期清龍杯
- Ended Enjoy!(^^)!Anything study club 6th King Cup
- Ended Enjoy!(^^)!Anything study club 3rd Enjoy Cup Anomalous Shogi Tournament
- Ended 第5期 楽しく!(^^)!何でも研究会 王者戦
- Ended 第二回楽しく何でも研究会お楽しみ大会「詰ましたら負け入玉将棋の部」
- Ended 間違えました
- Ended 第一回楽しく!(^^)!何でも研究会お楽しみ大会「取る一手将棋の部」
- Ended 今年度お疲れ様でした大会延長戦
- Ended 第一回どうぶつ将棋トーナメント
- 2 Ended 将棋の森サークル交流戦
- Ended 今年度お疲れ様でした大会